Tarot and Oracle Cards

This is the story of how I became a Tarot Reader.

When I was growing up in a little village in Normandy (France), we had a house by the sea. And in this house, there was an attic. And in the attic, there was a secret library full of esoteric books.

Both my parents were interested in esoteric sciences and spiritual subjects, and even conspiracy theories, and they had amassed quite a number of books over the years, on a variety of subjects. And all the books were hidden in the attic.

The secret Library
The attic at my parents’ is still there. And so are the books!

They were hidden because my parents feared the judgement of other people and/or being locked away in a psychiatric asylum and/or being burnt alive at the stake, a common fear for some of us. Both my parents were born after the end of WW2 and were raised with the idea that some people are assassinated just for owning certain books.

As a child who loved reading, nothing was more appealing than secret books, and soon I had read a lot of theirs. But one day, I was maybe 14, amongst the other books, I found my father’s Tarot. Or maybe it found me. And from this time on, I fell in love with Tarot and Oracle Cards.

My father possessed the very famous French Tarot de Marseille, the Etteilla edition.

You can see it here:


Etteila Tarot

and here you can see each individual card:


I was immediately drawn to the cards and started to play with them. It seemed so mysterious and yet, so easy to use. It was like meeting an old friend of mine.

And as I was playing more and more, reading for myself, I started to understand what the cards purpose was and how they could be used as tool to get guidance on your life path. It was not really about divining the future but understanding where you came from, what was influencing your present, and what steps to take in order to get where you wanted.

[Actually the Etteila Tarot may have been derived from the Egyptian Book of Thot. Thot, the Egyptian God delivering divine messages to the people. You can find a lot of informations on the web about the Tarot de Marseille.]

Very easy to use: I was drawing up cards for myself, then looking for their significance in the provided booklet. But the Etteila edition my father got was from the 50s or something, and contained stuff like this:

“This card signifies:

-For a man: success at work. New contracts!

-For a woman: success in the kitchen. Happy marital life!”

(I am not kidding.)

So one Christmas I asked my parents for another Tarot deck and found Le Tarot Mythique!

And it was so beautiful and nice.



The Priestress from Le Tarot Mythique

I connected so much with it. It is based on the Greek legends, with the hero going on adventures, meeting Gods and Goddesses from the Antiquity. The legends I so enjoyed reading as a child, were now intersecting with my present life. Maybe it unconsciously reminded me of a past life I had there.

My readings improved considerably. I understood that when we incarnate here on Earth, we start a journey and a path is unfolding below our feet. Sometimes we arrive at a crossroad and we have to choose between two directions. Sometimes we have to turn around because the path is blocked. Sometimes we are climbing mountains and sometimes we descend into dark caves. Sometimes everything we built is crumbling before us. Sometimes we get married and sometimes we separate, etc. And to each of these moments corresponds a Tarot card. And I could read them!

I started giving readings to my friends for fun. Except that, it was working really well, giving them  good advices and insights into their future. I remember drawing the cards and starting reading the meaning of the cards in the booklet provided with the deck, when something would switch in my mind and I would start speaking about other things that were not written in the booklet. And I could see myself speaking but not knowing where the words were coming from.

And it would always be true.

On one instance, it was really funny because I was doing a reading for this guy, Théo, and all the cards would speak about how he should break up with his current girlfriend and let her go because his soulmate was coming in really soon in his life and he needed to be ready for her. That they would eventually get married, have babies, etc. Except that Théo was single at that time, which I knew very well. And he kept telling me that I was mistaken and this was not making any sense. And I kept repeating that the cards were saying he should break up with his non-existing girlfriend!

But … a few months later, we learned that Théo indeed had a girlfriend back then, that he had lied to us to keep it private. That he was considering breaking up with her because he realised they were not a good match but he was dragging his feet. He just didn’t want to have the talk with her. When they finally broke up, he suddenly started dating my best friend. And you’ve guessed it: they are married today and have two kids together. And even though I told him exactly what would happen, I didn’t know what would happened and I didn’t suspect my best friend would become his wife.

As my spiritual path continued to unfold, I became acquainted with Doreen Virtue’s work, the Angel Lady. She has adorable, fantastic, powerful Oracle cards and Tarots. With her, I learnt to combine the divine guidance of the Angels, Archangels, Fairies, Mermaids, Dolphins, and Unicorns with oracle cards readings.

My Oracle Cards collection

Now not only I ask for advices but I also ask for a situation to be healed, a problem to be solved, sometimes for a person to be safe or to find happiness.

One thing I like to do for myself and others is a reading for the year to come. I draw a general message for the coming year and individual messages for each month. It gives me a sense of what the year will focus on, so I can know where to focus my time and energy. It gives me advices on how best to deal with a situation every month. But most importantly, it tells me that everything is going to be Ok and that help is always available.

Last year, the Fairies told me in January that my family and I would be moving in April. I asked my husband if he knew about this. After all, we just had moved to a new house 6 months before. Not possible, he said. My boss wants me to stay here, he said. Comes March and my husband starts to tell me that his boss wants to move him to another city. By mid-April we were gone!

I would be happy to do the same reading for you.

If you think I can help you, then reach out here.

Sending you Love and Light,

Gretta 💗💗💗

PPS: Do you use Tarot? Are you afraid of Tarot? Let me know in the comments.

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2 thoughts on “Tarot and Oracle Cards

  1. I love tarot cards but I’m also a very rational person, I’ve always been. I started to develop (or discover my intuition) after a robbery I experienced. I started having ptsd, I was afraid of people unconsciously, and I started to spend a lot of time by myself or at my apartment living only with my brother. During that time, I learned naturally about intuition with my own experiences, and also I started learning about birth charts, especially about myself because I was feeling very lost. That’s how I started to separate myself from my rational mind and being more open to the spiritual side of life. Later on, fairly recently, I discovered more about tarot cards and felt a particular interest towards them. Im not sure if I know how to read them or if any of that is actually true (my rational mind) but I do enjoy having reading for myself and my sister. I dont do reading for anyone else and actually, I don’t share this with anyone, it’s something very private although I do not hide it per se, and I have actually mentioned it casually to a few people like if nothing. I have a tarot deck (an Egyptian one), an oracle deck and The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid. Im actually about to order another one! And my sister got one for herself this past month.

    1. Hi Andre, I love how you are starting to trust more and more your intuition. The cards are just a way to better tap into your intuition, not everybody needs them, but it’s very handy when you have a question you need an answer to. Tarot and oracle cards are a way to know your true self better and unlock the wisdom of your heart. Not everything has to be rational and I admire your willingness to put your mind aside for a little bit to tap into your heart. One deck I love right now is the Mystical Shaman oracle cards.

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