Five years ago:
“It’s not going to work!” objected my angels.
I was sitting in my living-room in Bergen watching the Real Housewives of Somewhere on my computer and wondering why I was still fat 6 months after delivering my first baby.
I had put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy (a lot!!!) and I was still big and heavy even though I had expected to loose the baby weight like magic once the baby was out.
But no and I was still 20 kg (44 pounds) overweight! I hadn’t believe my mum when she told me it was hard to loose the baby weight. And I didn’t want to believe my Angels neither when they were telling me to go to the gym. But here I was, my baby was 6 months old and I was overweight.
“If you want to lose weight you have to go to the gym, and do the classes.”
I was not a “going to gym” kinda of girl but apparently I had no alternatives.
And so I went. A little at the beginning then every morning once the baby went to day-care and soon it was part of my routine. And after two years later I had lost the weight and was feeling in shape and healthy.
And when I gave birth to my second baby, I was again 20 kg overweight but this time I knew what to do and went back to the gym and lost the weight again.
So today, as I lost 2 times 20 kg after each of my pregnancies, I would like to say thank you to this part of my life.
Thank you gym memberships for being so expensive. I feel bad when I miss a day because it’s like throwing money in the garbage. So you motivate me to come back every week.
Thank you other ladies for being there this morning so I don’t have to have a one on one awkward session with the instructor.
Thank you for noticing me and greeting me.
Thank you for letting me feel like we are in this together. I am happy when I feel included in the rest of the world.
Thank you to all my gym instructors who welcomed me to the gym, who smiled at me, with a “Hei! Hei!” or a “Buenas dias”.
Thank you for letting me be a little bit on the side in the back. Because I am shy and I don’t speak the language and I don’t want to be noticed. Especially when I feel like I cannot do something as well as the other girls here.
Thank you, gym instructor, for understanding that I sacrificed my time and my money to be there this morning and this is important for me.
Thank you for helping me when I didn’t quite understand how to do something.
Thank you for not laughing at me when I am … obviously ridiculous. If you had laughed, I would never have come back. Never. Not even at another gym.
Thank you for encouraging me to do more, to jump higher, to run faster, to lift heavier, to hold longer, because you know that I can. And if not today, then next week.
Thank you for the music you play during the strength exercises. It feels my heart and soul of Divine Light and supports my body throughout the workout.
Also now when I hear a certain song playing in a public space, I immediately feel like doing 10 squats by reflex.
[And also why you all like Gasolina by Daddy Yankee so much?]
Thank you, my body, for being there with me on this Earth. For being a vessel to my soul. Without you, what could I manage here?
Thank you for responding “present” when we have to hold a 1-minute plank.
Thank you for responding “no problem” when I have to do a glute bridge with a 10 kg weight on my belly.
Thank for saying “I got this” when the instructor alternates dance moves and my brain is like “whaaaaaat?”
Thank you for releasing the stress. We don’t need to hold on to that. What you and I need is a nap, later today.
Thank you, gym instructor, for actually thanking me to have come here and taken the time to do something good for myself.
Thank you for the best showers I have ever taken when I am all sweaty and smelly and I wash out all the grim and toxins from my body and feel renewed and rejuvenated. Ready for a possibly magical day.
And thank you Angels for supporting me on this path, for making me feel safe at the gym, for helping my body go through the workout.
Thank you!
Since I started to integrate the gym in my daily routine, I feel more motivated to start the day, I have more patience to deal with the outside world, I feel more relaxed. I feel stronger and I can better set boundaries. I have more Divine inspirations.
One thing I learnt on my spiritual path is that the mind-body-spirit-connection is real and strong. If your body is weak and unhealthy, if you carry a lot of stress within, your mind will be weaker and your connection to Spirit will be more cloudy and more difficult.
So let’s all think about self care today.
Ask your Angels for help if you’ve decided to go to the gym but can’t bring yourself to actually go there, they will help. I remember, one morning, I had brought my son to day-care and on the way back I stopped to do groceries. I was heading home and then to the gym but the weather was really cold and grey and I thought to myself “If I go home, I will just lay on the couch with my computer and never go back out to the gym. Please Angels help me! Today I really don’t feel like going to the gym.”
I knew that this was a slippery slope, that if I started to miss one day, then I would miss another later and then, before I know it, I would stop going to the gym completely. So I asked for help in the street holding my bags full of groceries. I starting to think about something else, I spaced out in fact and when I “woke up” I was in front of the door of my gym class!
Somehow I had gone home, put my groceries in the fridge, went back out again, walked to the gym, put my bag in the locker, and went to the class. And I didn’t remember it and since I was there, I went to exercise. So ask for help and your Angels will make sure that you find the right form of exercise for you, will motivate you to go everyday, and will watch over you as you exercise!
Here is what Archangel Raphaël has to say:

“The Angels are asking you to engage in a physical activity as a source of self-counseling and a means of clearing the way to receive new messages, ideas, solutions, and healing energy.”
Sending you Love & Light,
PS: Let me know in the comments below how physical activity had a positive impact on your life!
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