Angels, please! Heal my sister!

Hello Magical Souls, 😀💗

Today I was thinking about how the Angels can help you transform your life … if only you call on them … and I realized that the most beautiful transformation I witnessed was the one of my little sister.

[whose name is not mentioned to respect her privacy 😊]

You see as long as I can remember my sister had troubles to fit and adapt to life, here on Earth. And when she was very little, around 4 years old, and I was 8, she would ask me “Can we go home now? Is it finished soon?” And we would be playing in our living-room with our toys and I would be like: “This is home! Where exactly do you want to go?”

I couldn’t understand what she meant and she couldn’t understand why I would not remember about this other magical place that was our “real” home.

She grew up always feeling like she was not from here and couldn’t fit in. She became depressed, or, as one of her psychiatrist would later say, she was maybe born depressed. So much so that when we were teenagers, she attempted suicide. Which was a wake-up call for the whole family.

Various pills and psychiatrists followed and as my sister became an adult, things started to settle down a bit. My mom called me once saying: “Your sister is doing fine … I don’t know if she is happy. I don’t know if she will ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone or have a kid.” And I felt that this was true and that my mom made her peace with that, thinking that, maybe, things wouldn’t get any better than that.

Then, one day, my sister got a new job, which she was raving about. It was lightening her up from the inside. She was working for a mental institution that was taking care of mentally-challenged adults. The goal of the institution was to allow them as much independence as that they could possibly handle. They were about 10 adults living in the same house but they still needed the supervision of a care-taker to ensure that they would go to work on time, or they would shower once a day, or that the pills were taken, or that the non-verbal roommates would be heard, etc.

And she loved that job!

But she was working there as an intern only. So she decided to get her qualifications in order to have a real position with the institution.

She took classes online, passed the exams. There was a ceremony. Pictures were taken. They celebrated her with champagne at a fancy restaurant. And when she came back to work the next Monday, the director said: “Oh good! You have your diploma! Now I am gonna have to let you go!”

“Oh why? because, now, you are too expensive for us! I am going to have to look for a new intern.”

My mom was so upset! “I don’t know what your sister was thinking! Why did she have to get this diploma in the first place?”

It was even worse because, as we live in a very small region of Normandy, there were no job available to her with that kind of diploma, for miles and miles around. Nothing.

My sister was now unemployed, she had very little money and no job perspective. And my mom started to freak out big time: “Your sister is  going to come back home and live with me! I can’t have her here! I can’t have her living in the streets! What am I gonna do? Please help!”

My mom was so desperate and my sister’s situation looked so desperate, and I was so mad at her for not anticipating that she would loose her job by getting her diploma, that I knew I had to intervene.

I prayed and asked the Angels to show me how to help my sister.

They gave me a vision of a little dog chasing its tail. As he was spinning and spinning around, chasing its tail, that he wouldn’t catch as it was too small, he was bumping into furnitures and the coffee table, and making a mess. It got me so upset and I realized that it would be better if the dog was playing outside chasing a ball. He would be able to catch the table, unlike its tail, and be happy.

That’s how I realized my sister didn’t have directions, that she trying to chase her happiness around, not knowing where to go, spinning and spinning around, not making any real progress, and that she was making a mess. So I decided to pray for her to find the ball. 

I took a piece of paper and very mindfully choose the words for my prayer. I asked the Angels to intervene in her life, to the degree she was willing to, and to show her the directions to her happiness. What to want and where to go get it.

What happened next is inexplicable, really.

From what I know she found a new job away from home, moved there, met someone, got pregnant, lost her new job, got married, got her baby and moved back home with her new husband. All that in little more than a year.

When I spoke to her, she told me that, shortly after I had prayed, she knew she was going somewhere. She put all her staff in boxes, gave her 1-month notice to her landlady and waited for a call. She didn’t where she was going. She didn’t know when, but she knew she was going somewhere and she was ready.

When the call came for a job interview in a different mental institution across France, she just went and got the job right away.

Now, when I spoke to my new brother-in-law, he told me that, at that time, he was sick and tired of being single and he was ready for Love. He was praying over to Jesus to bring his soulmate to him. He also received visions of his soulmate and was told that she was coming soon. So when my sister showed up for her job interview, he recognized her right away from his visions, and insisted they gave her the job. They started to work together at the institution and they started dating a few months after.

She was ready to go wherever destiny was calling.

He was calling her and was ready for love.

They were both ready for change and the Angels and Jesus helped them find each over.



Now my little sister, who we thought, not so long ago, would maybe never find love and happiness, is married and has someone to take care of and someone to take care of her.

It now feels like she can have a normal life.

It was not the first time I asked the Angels to intervene in her life to help her find her way, but that particular time I was really in awe at how BIG the changes were in her.

At how magical life could become when you ask for Divine help and are ready to follow your inner guidance.

And you? Are you ready for your TRANSFORMATION? 

Do you have an amazing transformation story to tell?

Let me know and leave a comment below.

Sending you Love & Light,

Gretta 😘

PS: if you feel guided to dive deep into your own healing, check out my reading + healing offers. 💛



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