Praise the Light …

Funny how life is! It’s never black or white. It’s never completely positive or negative.  Very often it’s a mix of both. There can be pockets of positivity coming out of a clearly negative situation.

Sometimes in our life, we are going through a big release of karma, toxic situations, etc., and it seems like hardships after hardships, challenges after challenges, sometimes punctuated by the passing of one or more loved ones.

It’s like a wild fire 🔥 decimating a forest 🌳🌲🌳 and leaving just bare soil behind. But once the fire has all consumed, the seedlings 🌱 appear, and life slowly starts again. The forest regrows, sometimes even more beautiful and lush than it ever was there before. 🍀

I was guided to speak about my friend “Heidi” (nickname) and what happened after her suicide attempt. I spoke about her in my blog, here

When I was living in Zurich (Switzerland), a little bit before Christmas, suffering from tremendous pain and serious health issues that the doctors couldn’t solve, Heidi attempted suicide one night and was saved in-extremis and was brought up to the hospital.

There, the doctors cared for her but they couldn’t send her home, knowing that she would be alone; her parents were living in France and her two brothers were having ski holidays in the mountains.

At the end, they felt obliged to call her parents and let them know and ask them for help. After the call, Heidi’s parents drove all night and were at her bedside the next morning, along with her two brothers.

Heidi was floored. She hadn’t expected that her family would renounce their Christmas plans, just for her. She didn’t think they would care enough.

“Of course, they care!”, I told her, not understanding, “You just attempted suicide! Of course, they want to make sure you’re OK and they can’t let you spend Christmas alone in an hospital!”

But she still couldn’t fathom that. And the reason why is … when she was a little girl, her primary school teacher abused her in class.

She would single her out, and shame her in front of the class, because she was “unruly”, or kinda boyish. She would tell her she’s ugly, stupid, etc. She would ask the other kids to bully her. And at the end she would put her in a cabinet in the classroom, and Heidi would end up spending the whole day there while the teacher was nice and helping the other kids.

And when her mom would go meet the teacher, and sometimes the school’s director, the teacher would complain about Heidi, and then the mom would punish her at home for her “bad” behavior, for not learning to read and write and count.

With her little girl’s mind, Heidi thought that her parents knew about the abuse in school and that they had agreed upon it. She grew up resentful of her parents, especially her mom, and always felt like her mom didn’t love her but loved her brothers more.

She felt like the black sheep of the family, the one always causing troubles, the one nobody cared about.

Then, forward to that Christmas day, she had the living proof that, that was not the case. In her hospital bed, surrounded by the whole family, she suddenly realized how much her mom and her dad cared about her. How much she was loved! How upset and sad and at loss they all were about her suicide attempt. And something in her was healed! 🌱

I am so grateful that, at least, something positive came out from her challenge, and not only that but she did also found her soulmate through the same challenge: here.

Yes! we tend to go through some really crappy situations in life, but there is always a glimmer of hope and positivity in the darkest of situations. Praise the light instead of cursing the darkness. And that’s something your Angels can help you with. 🦉😇

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Albus Dumbledore 🧙🏻‍♂️

Sending you Love & Light,

Gretta 💖


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