2019 will be a blessed year

Hello Magical Souls, 😃✨

When I started tuning into the energy of 2019, for all of us, I immediately got a vision of Fairies bringing us gifts and blessings. I heard the words: “2019 will be a blessed year!”

Which is a relief, as 2018 was so challenging for many of us. 

It was a year of big changes, of big release and cleansing, of letting go if what no longer works or is needed into our lives, of letting go of control, of surrendering to what is … and ultimately what is, is the Divine in all of us, expressing itself endlessly through our hearts and our lives. 

The energy of 2019 feels different. 

Some of us will still release and cleanse. 

But, also, we are ready to take actions towards building a better life, aligned with the Divine in all of us. 

We are ready to live life guided by our hearts and Souls. 

We are ready to receive infinite abundance. 

That’s why the Fairies are coming with blessings and gifts. 

Because after shedding all past illusions, false beliefs, guilt, shame, ego limitations, etc…, we are now stepping into our true self and therefore attracting true abundance. 

I was guided to draw a simple 3 cards reading for us all: past – present – future.

Here is the Faeric messages I received: 


In 2018, we made some efforts to release “the illusion of being trapped. Placing too much importance on material items. Getting caught up in fear and worry.”

We are now standing at the edge of 2019, and we are different versions of ourselves. We have released and healed so much since 2017, maybe 2012. 

We have up-graded into different beings, who understand more about the illusion of the little self, of the material world.

We now know how to tune inwards, how to get in tune with our heart and Soul. 

Yes – we still have egos.

Yes – we still have fears and limitations. 

But we are now aware of them and how to release them, if we choose to do so. 

Anytime, anywhere, we can choose to “burn” away what is no longer serving us, the illusions of entrapment, so we can move forward with our life.

This little meditation I wrote some months ago might help. Download it here (free): https://littlesparksofdivinelight.com/fire-releasing-ceremony-with-archangel-michael/

PRESENT: The World

“A brilliant success! The freedom to go in any direction. A journey that is now complete.” 

As we are passing through to 2019, let’s take a moment to celebrate <you>!

2018 was challenging but we are still standing! Alive and well. Let’s take a moment to appreciate our growth, our shattering of boundaries, our healing.

I applaud you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

 Now the journey continues. The World awaits! 

You can go in any direction you want. What will you choose to manifest in 2019? 

What will you choose to experience? 

What magic will you create? 

You are free. You are guided. You are supported. You are loved. 

Ask for any miracle you need and create what you came here to create!

FUTURE: Ace of Spring

The Fairies are saying: “It’s time to take action! Be fearless and happily pursue your most treasured dreams. Amazing career opportunities.”

2019 is the time to take actions towards living your dreams. Be fearless. Be consistent. Be courageous in moving forward. 

New opportunities will show up!

Your path will be illuminated as you take each step forwards. 

You can do it! 


In numerology, 2019 is a number “3” year. 

“Under this number 3 energy, we are going to be guided to align our mind, body, and soul, and express our true self and true desires out into the world.”

Check your personal year number here: 

It was quite accurate for me. 😊


I am wishing you a magical year 2019. 🔥✨

Here are 8 little things I want to remind you of as we are starting this year: 


Looking forward to support you and be in service of the Divine Love and Light,

Gretta 💗💗💗

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