Hello Magical Souls, 💗🌸
When I tuned into the energy of 2019, I received the impression, from the Fairies, that we were entering a time where we could, all, experience “instant manifestation”… and I thought I could share with you about my own experience with it.
I had this best friend at the university who, I felt, was really magical.
Actually, I would like to take a moment to thank the Universe because I had one best friend in primary school, another best friend in high-school and another other best friend at the university and they each hold some kind of magic. ✨🙌🧚♂️🧝♀️🧜♀️
And thank you for making my childhood less gloom and harsh. 🙌🏻😊
So my best friend, Florence, and I had we met at university because we would take the train each Friday evening to go back to our hometown in Normandy Cherbourg where our parents were living and then we would go back to Caen, where our uni was, on Sunday night. She saw me a few times in the train and then again during our classes, so she asked me to become friends and so I did! 😄
I quickly came to realize that Flo would speak some words and then minutes later these words would become true! That’s 💫instant manifestation 💫.
For ex. we would be in class but on a break, and she would say: “I wish somebody would bring me a free coffee!” and then some guy would show up with a coffee “Here you are, Flo! 😉😉😍
She would also take every opportunities she could to make a wish … an eyelash … a candle … finding a coin on the floor … or even after sneezing , she would make a wish and let the Universe know what she truly wanted. She was magical like that.
A story: Each Friday we had a tight schedule: we would go home during lunch break to retrieve our luggage, meet up to go to our last class of the week: Maths (of course, it had to be math!). It was a practical, so we were about 20 students and the teacher would give us a big pile of exercises (statistics) and, we had an agreement with him, that if we finished all the exercises and it was correct, he would let us go before the end of the 3 hours. So we were working in pairs and my job was to get it right as fast as I can, usually 1- 1.5 hour and Florence’s job was to pressure me and keep an eye on the clock so we wouldn’t miss our train. 😅
It was ok but challenging and Florence really didn’t like this particular class. One day she came and sat down next to me and said: “I wish the teacher would come and say that he has, like, a family emergency and that he has to cancel the class and that we can go!”
At this exact moment (😮) the teacher came in and said: “I am sorry. I have a family emergency and need to cancel the class. Please go!”
My jaw dropped on the floor and I could only think “Florence is a witch! 😮🧙🏻♀️✨ But she was already out of the door (Gretta, WTF, move! We can catch an earlier train!)
✨🌟 Instant manifestation! 🌟✨
But … and that’s the point I want to make today … it was not all positive!
For ex. one Friday evening, our train pulled out at the station in Cherbourg. There was this beautiful sunset, the air was warm, the sun was amazing. Flo came out and was like “WOW! Amazing! For the first time in months, we arrive in Cherbourg and it is NOT raining!”
Just at this moment: ⚡️⛈ it started to rain. When we arrived at the car, we were soaking wet. I told her this was her doing: had she not speak, it wouldn’t be raining!
The Universe was like, right it’s not raining, it’s not normal! Let me correct that for you.
This is the thing with instant manifestation: you are going to manifest anything that comes to your mind: the good, the bad and even the ugly if it applies.
So carefully monitor your thoughts and stir your thoughts towards the most beautiful, pleasurable, Divine outcome you can possible think – or feel – for you.
This time, now, also gives us the opportunity to actually see what feelings are lurking deep down into our heart or our body … because we will see them manifested on the outside.
Maybe, deep-down, you feel like a failure.
Maybe, deep-down, you feel unloveable.
Or ugly.
Or not enough.
Or unworthy.
During this time we are given the opportunity to actually notice these feelings that are holding us back and be able to do something about them.
Notice them.
Acknowledge them.
Ask them what are they here for? to teach us what?
And then, we can thank them, let them go, and finally close the door to a painful chapter in our lives!
It’s a time of healing!
And you are your own healer!
And you are supported by the Love & Light that is all around us!
🙏🏼💗✨ Gretta