Hello Beautiful Souls, ☀️😊
Today I would like to share a story about … breaking free from the cage … 🦅
When we arrived, in 2018, in this town we are living now in Mexico, we were looking for a house to rent. A co-worker of my husband told us her tenants were leaving soon and if we could go and see the house she had for rent, she would be happy to have us as new tenants. So we went.
We entered this closed compound, like they have in Mexico, and all the houses looked the same except this particular house, which had a lot (a lot!!!) of protections around it: a locked garage door – while all the other houses had just a patio, bars at all the windows – even the little, little guest toilet window, barbwire around the whole house, alarm, etc. The complete package!
Her tenants told us – very proudly – that they covered the all house with protections, after a drunk guy tried to enter one of their neighbor’s house in the middle of the night.
There was this one neighbor who used to have rowdy parties, at night, with “weird” guests, and one of them, by mistake or consciously, tried to enter another house. And the tenants were afraid of him so they got the entire package of protections.
I was standing in the living room looking at all the bars at the windows and told my husband: this feels like jail. I am working from home: my office is either the kitchen or the bedroom, depending on my mood, with all these bars everywhere, it feels like a cage! I just can’t live here I said.
And standing in front of me were the tenants all proud of how well the house was protected!
It made me realize that a cage can protect and restrict you at the same time.
There is a balance between being free and being protected. Of course you can be completely free and completely safe at the same time. But in this world, at this point in time, we usually need to use protections, for our physical body, for our energy, for our heart, etc.
Also the protections we use are going to change through time. For ex. walking home, alone, late at night will require different protections than watching Netflix, home, alone, late at night. Different protections for different purposes.
But that I really want to talk about is the deeper protections we use, often without noticing.
Like being a wallflower, in the background, and going to extreme lengths not to be noticed. Or constantly making the choice not to voice your opinion in order to not make people feel uncomfortable. Or not standing in your truth because you don’t feel safe. Or not trusting your heart because you learnt it was stupid.
That kind of protections.
Sometimes these protections come from past-lives. For ex. you may have been hurt or tortured for speaking your truth, or burnt at stake for being a witch, or for holding your own power – a very common theme amongst Lightworkers and way-showers.
So now, in this life, it may feel unsafe to speak your truth, or using your power, or simply being seen. I know! I had and still have to “fight” myself for being seen … but I can’t stay in the cage anymore.
It’s time to come out of the cage and fly free!
I actually pulled an Angel card for my self showing AA Ariel holding a cage with an open door while birds are flying out.

As we are in this phase of transformations, in July, one of the transformation I am personally going through – and maybe you will relate as well – is letting go of outdated protections … and outdated belief systems that keep us encaged …
You see, when we are little, we soon learn to protect ourself, our energy, from others. We do what we need to do to be loved and accepted by our parents. We do what we need to do to be accepted in school. We adopt some defense mechanisms – some of them being: not showing our true self.
Then later, we continue assimilating defense mechanisms and soon we are creating a cage for our Soul to protect us from the outside world.
Then comes the point when we don’t need these old defense mechanisms anymore but we still continue to use them unconsciously.
In order to free ourself, our Soul will create situations, challenges, confrontations, to make us realize that, maybe we don’t need these protections anymore, that maybe the cage now feels like a prison because things have changed, on the inside and the outside …
And for some of these protections, the time is now!
The Angels were showing me, the solar eclipses are acting like when there is an earthquake and the ground is cracking open and gas is coming out. That’s how the energy feels like now. The ground is shaking below our feet, it’s cracking, and tension is released.
It’s time to come out of the cage and fly free!
What are you observing in your own life at this moment?
What protections are you shedding?
What beliefs are you renouncing?
If you have questions about my path or if you feel like you need some Angelic help with your own path, let me now in the comments below or message me. I will be happy to shed some light for you.
Love, Gretta 💛✨🌙
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