I hesitated a long time before telling this story because … I don’t think I behaved myself in the best possible way. But here it is now …
Some years ago, I was living alone, in a small 2-bedrooms apartment in Zurich, Switzerland, while working as a post-doc at a Swiss Research Institute.
They had strict rules in my building and, if you know Swiss people at all, you know that they like to follow the rules.
We were not allowed to have a washing machine in our apartments but there was a communal one in the cellar that we were meant to use in turns.
We couldn’t hang our wet clothes in the apartments, nor could we have a clothes dryer, but we could hang the clothes in the attic, in our designated place.
Not on the neighbors hang-drying lines, but your own! ☝🏻
In the attic we also had each a little space with a locked door to put boxes and other stuff we wanted to store.
There was nothing bad in any of this and I didn’t have a problem with following the rules.
Except that … when I started to hang my clothes to dry on my lines, I had this strange feeling, that I didn’t like, that reminded me of when I was a little girl and I was in my parents attic and I was afraid of ghosts, or spirits.
It was the same unsettling feeling …
At first, I tried to reason with myself thinking that I am not a little girl afraid of ghosts anymore, and I should shake this feeling off …
But I was a grown-up afraid of ghosts and the feeling didn’t disappear!
I realized it was stronger, especially, by the window just below the wood beam that crossed the room.
Since I couldn’t make the feeling disappear, and not wanting to go anywhere nearby that window, I found another solution and just hung my clothes on some clothes racks I had, into the little storage unit that was mine, with the locked door.
My neighbors will think I am afraid of them stealing my clothes, I thought 😬- but it was the only way at this point I could do laundry.
But the feeling didn’t disappear and actually became stronger and stronger.
I could feel someone watching me as soon as I entered the room …
Then the feeling would start when I reached the top of the stairs.
My apartment was unfortunately located just below that attic.
I started to find excuses not to do my laundry, setting new records for myself for the most weeks without doing laundry. It must have been 3 weeks! I actually bought more clothes so I wouldn’t have to wash that much.
I started to not only feel watched when I was hanging my clothes, but I could also feel the “person”, a lady it seemed, was angry at me for penetrating her space.
I came to “feel” that the attic was her space but, fortunately, she couldn’t enter my space (my apartment) and she was angry at my disrespect for her space.
I started to have images of a lady hanging at the beam … as if she had committed suicide there.
I thought I’d ask the building manager but … what if he’d say “Yes, a lady committed suicide by hanging where you put your clothes to dry!”
At least by not asking, I could pretend this was not real and there was no ghost and I had an overactive imagination!
So I never asked …
Time passed and one day, I had a massive laundry to do. I had no choice and spent the whole Saturday afternoon just washing and hanging clothes.
Soon my clothes racks were full, I had no choice but to go hang more clothes onto the lines, next to the window, next to the “presence”.
I started to feel her anger mounting … but my anger was mounting too! This was ridiculous! After all, I was paying rent and it was MY space to hang clothes. I had the right to be there!
I felt her anger/hate too, as if she was cursing at me or so.
I was telepathically, spiritually, cursing at her too!
I suddenly saw images of a burning hell and received feelings of despair and pain!
“I don’t care if you burn for all eternity in hell!”, I shouted telepathically at her. “You deserve this!”, I said without thinking.
Just at this moment, my right hand, I was hanging bedsheets on the lines, my right hand made a weird movement, involuntary movement.
Next thing I know there was blood on the floor, on my sheets, on my fresh laundry.
I confusedly looked at my hand: I was bleeding. I had cut my finger at a rusty nail coming from the wood beam.
I took a deep breath. It was no time to panic. I slowly took back my laundry. I had to re-wash everything with blood on it. I slowly, slowly, calmly, walked out the room and back into my apartment.
I was in shock. Did a ghost just “attacked” me?
I wash my hand. Despite all the blood I saw, the cut was pretty small. I put a band aid and went to wash more clothes.
The night was falling down now and I had to go back face the ghost.
I took a deep breath, came into the attic, and apologized! Telepathically again.
“Look!”, I told her, “I am sorry for what I said! It’s not true. I do care about you and if you committed suicide, I understand it must not be easy to be in your position. From now on, I will be more mindful when I come into your space. And I will only hang my clothes inside my storage unit. And I will send you a little message when I am about to come up. OK? But we have to make this work you and me, because I am going to stay here for a while longer. So let’s be friendly for the time being ok?”
The energy in the air was feeling better. I felt like she accepted my apology and was ready to let me be in her space when I needed to.
Time passed … It was easier to do laundry even though I could feel she was still there. We started to co-exist peacefully.
It was also a time when I was discovering all the books by Doreen Virtue and there was a chapter about mediumship and ghosts. Specifically about lost spirits who hadn’t crossed to Heaven.
I thought, could it be her case? Did she really commit suicide there?
Was she ready to go “home”?
I asked AA Michael and it felt safe to open a portal in the attic for her to cross over if she wanted … I didn’t know what I was doing really but AA Michael and AA Azrael were there to help.
I told her she was not obliged to go, but that the Angels were there with her to help her cross if it’s what she wanted.
I could feel her being happy and grateful, as if it’s what she had been waiting for so long.
At that time, I didn’t trust my abilities, so I thought maybe I was imagining the whole thing.
I also received the feeling that she crossed the portal.
When I went back to the attic afterwards, I didn’t feel her presence anymore … just some kind of energetic remains of what had happened between us …
Every time I think about her, I see her smiling in Heaven.
So maybe I did helped a lost soul to cross over?
Did something similar happened to you? Leave a comment below to let me know!
If you want to know more about rescue mediumship and opening portal for lost souls to cross, here is a good article:
Here is a wonderful video by GiGi Young about ghost and other spooky manifestations:
Here is a link to learn about Angelic Mediumship:
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