One of the things that prevent people from connecting to their Angels, like guardian Angels or their spiritual team of Angelic advisors is that they are afraid of judgement and shame.
Because Angels are understood as being “messengers of God” – which is literally what the word means – some people are afraid that connecting to Angels is like being confronted by an angry Holy Father that will condemn them for their offenses, their sins.
I assure you this is not the case.
I have been accessing my Angels since I was a toddler, maybe. I had always in my head this voice that was speaking true and would guide me and keep me safe. They was never any judgment or shame coming from the voice but there was teaching!
Angels never judge or shame … but they point out where the truth is or whether I am doing the “correct” thing in order to get what I desire.
I already spoke about this in my Message in a Bubble post where I was trying to get rid of the influence of my former boss into my life and thought, very wrongly, that wishing him dead was getting me there. Needless to say that was not a “good” thing to do but also that was not a “correct” thing to do as the Angels later showed me how to release him from my life and at the same time healing our karmic relationship. It ended up being beneficial for both of us, I believe.
Another example I would like to share with you is when I was about 13 years old in junior high and the Angels gave me the “drug talk”. And then 3 years later, my mom also gave me the drug talk. And the two conversations couldn’t have been more different.
I was going to a small school in Normandy, which would be like junior high in the US. At that school, there were many students who had doubled or tripled classes, and they should have been in Senior High, but were still in junior high. And at some point I realized that these students would bring and sell alcohol and drugs in our school and around the school.
I was only 13 and I didn’t know what to think about that but I had a lot of questions and I was curious about why? What does it do? How? etc.
I wasn’t put into a kind of peer-pressure situation where my “friends” would force me to smoke or take anything but it might have happened.
And, one day, while I was alone at school in between classes, my Angels kinda took me aside and said they wanted to speak to me about drugs and alcohol.
They said:
“Gretta, be very careful with drugs and alcohol. Especially you!
Because for people like you [highly sensitive], there is a real risk of addiction.
For people like you, the world is a really harsh place and what drugs and alcohol can do is to numb your feelings, which may give you a sense of relief, at first.
You will not feel so much. But on the other end, you will develop an addiction, which for you, will be like killing your Soul, like extinguishing your Light.”
“I know!”, I told them, “I understand. I am not that much into drugs anyway.”
“Yes, but be careful to alcohol as well. There is a real risk of addiction here, because in France, alcohol is so readily available and is not frowned upon. Always make sure that you monitor your alcohol consumption. Know when you had enough. You are more sensitive than others to alcohol so your limit will be lower.”
“There is a real risk for you to become an alcoholic. Just know that.”
“We love you and we care about you and we don’t want anything bad happening to you.”
I felt their genuine concern and felt they were coming from a place of Love. That they wanted me to avoid this pitfall. To fall down, to fall into something I couldn’t get myself out of.
I never forgot what the Angels said, and they kept teaching me about addictions. I later learnt about the steps leading to alcoholism, like for ex., one first step would be if you start drinking all by yourself at home. With no guests or party going on. It is not a bad things per say, but it could be the very first step towards alcoholism. Or if you drink some alcohol every night to unwind. First you enjoy it, then you need it, soon you might need to double the dose, etc. and this could also be a step towards alcoholism.
It was only when I was in Senior High, that my mom felt the need to speak about drugs. As you can see it, it was very late. She was certain there was no drug dealers in my high school. She shouldn’t have been so sure: I knew who he was and we had actually elected him class delegate, one year.
So my mom started saying a bunch of things like:
“I would not respect you if you start doing drugs.”
“Anyway a woman that smokes is not beautiful, she is disgusting.”
“You will bring shame on your family.”
“I will not speak to you ever again if you do drugs.”
“A lady doesn’t get drunk.”
“You have to set a good example for your younger siblings.”
The take-home message clearly was: “Don’t do drugs, don’t get drunk or I will not LOVE you, anymore!”
Emotional blackmail!
I also understood the fear behind my mom’s words. If I fall into addiction, maybe it says something about her and her parenting? Like she failed? That she is not a good mom?
But at this moment I felt clearly the difference between the 2 conversations.
One was rooted in love, and one came from fear.
One made me feel loved and the other one made me feel insecure about being good enough to be loved.
Do you see? The Angels never shamed me for being curious about drugs or for drinking wine (in moderation ad appropriately). It was more about making me aware that addictions and happiness don’t go together. That they are other ways one can deal with being highly sensitive. That I am loved and cared for and I have a Divine purpose in life and need to be healthy in order to embody that purpose.
Angels will never shame you for your actions but they will speak up if what you do is not serving you and is detrimental to your life purpose on Earth.
This world here, down on Earth, is so harsh, so different from where we came from, the Heavens, that it is only normal we try to alleviate the pain of being here by numbing our feelings. Yet – it doesn’t work. It’s incorrect.
I have a lot of compassion for the people who didn’t have the Angelic drug talk, who have fell and risen back up, because I can see how I could easily have been one of them.
Remember that the Angelic realm is always with you at every time and you can call them in time of need.
If you feel you need Angelic help with recovering from an addiction here is a resource:
Brigitte Parvin, also an Angel Healer, has authored “How To Get Your Life Back” a book that includes her experiences in recovery and how the angels intervened along the way.
Brigitte is also giving Angel readings.
Also I beg you, speak to your kids early about drugs and alcohol. You don’t really know when they will be confronted to someone intoxicated whose behavior can be dangerous.
Take very good care of yourself!
Love yourself as much as the Angels love you! 🤲🏻✨💛
All my love your way,
Gretta 😘
The funny thing is what happened after I go my first C-section, when my son was born. …
I was recovering when the doctor came and explained me that they don’t give pain medications on a set schedule: each woman makes her own schedule. So if I needed a dose of morphine, I just had to ring the bell and ask for it.
And so I did. Every time I feel like the pain was coming back, I would ring the bell.
Or in the evening before going to sleep, I would ring the bell.
And after 3 days in the hospital, I again rang the bell.
And my doctor came in and asked: “Did you just ask for a shot again?”
“Ok”, she said, “Look! I will give you a shot but I need to have a conversation with you first!
We do have limits on how much medication we give out to our patients and you are not there, yet, but you are getting there.
So what I want you to do now, is to try to lower the dosage on your own, ok? Because there is a real risk of addiction with the medicine we are giving you (morphine). And you are taking more than what other women are taking here.”
“Are you kidding me?”, I thought. “I am here, just having had a major surgery done to me, recovering slowly and barely able to walk on my own, and you are giving me a drug talk?”
And then, I realized: “Did my Angels put her up for this?
Did they ask her to tell me that?”
I told the doctor that the next day I would take less drugs. “Right”, she said and left.
“I just had a C-section! Will you not let me catch a break?”, I complained to my Angels.
“No!”, they said laughing, “You are not getting any break and us neither!”
I feel they wanted to let me know that were here, watching and caring, loving and guiding, while I was dealing with pain and confusion of being a mom for the first time and they will not let me fall!
I felt like my mission on this Earth was too important for me, for them, for all, that they would not let me loose myself …
Leave a comment below if you have felt the love of your Angels so strongly! 😄
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