😇 ✨ 😇
Maybe you love Angels …
Maybe you collect Angels figurines, paintings, statues …
Maybe you are wearing jewels with Angels, Angel wings, and more …
Maybe you are grateful for the Angels’ support in your life but …
have you truly connected and worked with your Angels before?
Have you truly spoken to your Angels before and gotten an answer?
Have you let them took you on an healing journey where you’ve discovered more of yourself?
Because a lot of things start happening when you consciously connect and work with your Angels.
1. You start feeling less alone. You have someone to speak to. You start understanding what unconditional love feels like.
I feel that most people who are attracted to Angels, and start connecting with Angels, do so because they are looking for love, unconditional love, a love that, maybe, is not currently present in their lives.
They are looking for a sign of a higher power, wondering why they are here, why they are left alone allowed to suffer, why would their life matter at all.
I remember as a little girl, even though I was very loved by my parents, I still often felt like I didn’t belong.
Like I was not from this Earth.
Like nobody could understand me, especially my parents.
Like I was all alone.
Like nobody cared anyway.
But I also remember my Angels, always with me, talking to me, guiding me, teaching me, letting me know that this feeling of not belonging wouldn’t last and that I would eventually find my place in the world.
It took me some time to acknowledge their presence and listen to them but, deep down, I knew I was never alone. I could feel their love and care even if I couldn’t admit it.
Guardian Angels are the (“living”) proof that God / Source / Heaven loves you unconditionally. They are your connection to the Divine, the Divine within and the Divine in Heaven, unconditionally loving, compassionate, empathic, ever-present, all understanding. You can confide in them and they will answer. They never judge and never shame. They can feel like friends or mentors, like a spiritual twin brother or sister, or like a blanket of warmth and love.
And as you learn to connect, ask, and relax in their presence, you start feeling loved and supported.
2. You start feeling less worried and more trusting of the Universe. You feel protected, guarded.
As you start working with your Angels, you start also understanding that the Universe is working with you for you, and not against you.
You also start understanding that no matter what happens, you are always loved, guarded, and guided. There is always help nearby.
And as you feel this continuous unconditional love and support, and recognize it in your own life, it becomes harder and harder to see the world as a very negative place where nothing good ever comes.
It is going to be harder to act as if you were always a victim of your circumstances, when the Angels are saying: “Just ask and we will help you”.
I am a very anxious person per nature but it was much worse in my teenage years. I was always looking for the worst possible outcome and trying to figure out what I would do then. And when I was finished, I was looking for the second, worst possible outcome and trying to figure out what I would do then. And when I was finished, I was looking for the third … you got the gist. When I started working with the Angels, they asked me to release control, and to stop trying to figure out the future! That included obsessively looking at horoscopes. They told me that I would have everything I would need at my disposal to face the future when the future would arrive. And later on, they taught me about co-creating the future, instead of just facing it. They showed me that the worst possible outcome almost never came true, nor the second worst possible outcome, nor the third. They taught me to look and even expect the best possible outcome (I must confess I still have trouble with that). They taught to trust, at least a little bit, the Universe knowing that it would bring me at the right place, at the right time, without me needing to do anything to deserve it.
Angels are also very powerful protectors, guardians in all the sense of the word. As a child they saved me from attempted kidnapping, and worse, at least 3 times … that I know of. And now, as a mother, when I feel like I won’t be able to protect my kids at all times, I remind myself that even if I can’t protect them, wherever they go, they have powerful guardian Angels who can!
The stories about Angelic protection are simply miraculous. When you feel that level of protection, and know that you can ask anytime for protection, you start to relax and focus your energy, not on staying safe, not on trying to control all parameters of you life, but on co-creating with the Divine the life of your dreams. You start feeling so supported, that you may dare to ask for miracles and actually attract one!
3. You start learning having compassion for yourself and for others.
As you start working with the Angels, you connect to this source of unconditional love who is non-judging, non-shaming, all-understanding and infinitely empathic. You start to see yourself through their eyes, as a little spark of Divine Light in a human body, who has suffered many hardships and is mainly trying to do their best.
You start learning to offer yourself some self-love and compassion.
You start learning how to release feelings of shame and guilt and unworthiness.
And as you become more understanding and loving of yourself, you become more understanding and compassionate of others.
When an unkind thought towards another crosses my mind, my Angels immediately jump in and let me know the Truth.
They either show me that I don’t really understand what the situation is about, as I am not privy of all the details,
or that I judge this person for doing what I do it too, under other circumstances, maybe,
or that it’s ok for someone to follow another path than mine because they may have another life purpose than mine and other lessons to learn than myself.
The Angels taught me me that I can only access my own Divine Truth, not necessarily others’, that everyone’s path is unique and there is no need to judge or want to change another.
They showed me that when you judge and shame others, you are actually judging and shaming a part of yourself that you are ignoring or rejecting. This is a call for healing.
And as you are learning to live a loving life, the Angels can start to help you heal your relationships, including the relationship to yourself, offering a different perspective, a more loving and compassionate perspective, where you can release judgment and start forgiving.
And a healing can start taking place in all areas of your life.
4. You start seeing, feeling the underlying energy in each situation.
Everything is made up of energy.
As you deepen your connection to Source, to the Divine, and see things from a higher perspective, you realize that everything in your life responds to energy and intentions.
You start to understand how the energy around you and within you interact and react with the world around you and with others.
And as the Angels help you raise your vibrations, you start to feel how you can shift your energy to face challenges in your life, lift a block, heal a relationship, devote yourself to a project, or dare to step out of your comfort zone, etc.
You also start to see and feel when there is a need to set up clear boundaries with others, when something in your life needs releasing, when to ask for additional support, etc. You start healing by naturally, intuitively rejecting what is not supporting you, your body, your energy, your Soul expression.
You can begin to see the Divine Truth behind everything and reacting from that truth, responding from your heart. And as you start healing yourself and your life, you become an example for others to do the same.
5. You start learning about yourself, your Soul essence, your purpose here on Earth.
Our life purpose here on Earth is, and always has been, to express our Divine Soul into the physical world … through our body, our actions, our choices, our creations, etc.
As for centuries past, it was not always possible to show up in life as an all-Divine being of Light in an earthly body.
In fact, during a meditation where I was trying to connect with my higher-self, I was transported back to Atlantean times where I was told, that this was the last time when I embodied almost 99% of my Soul in a human body. The Light within me then dwindled and dwindled over the years, lifetime after lifetime, constricted, hidden. And now, during this lifetime, I am, as we all re, building it back up again.
We had to hide, suppress this part of of us that was all-magical and conform, pretend to be “normal”, for fear of being killed, tortured, cast out.
We have been silenced, belittled, mocked, tortured for speaking our Divine Truth.
But now we are learning to be one again. Learning to get rid of anything that is not aligned with our Soul. Breaking free from karma, traditions, outdated thought-patterns, old programing, etc.
It’s not about becoming a better person, or a better version of yourself, it’s about removing any and all aspects of yourself that do not stem from your Divine Soul essence. Like removing a curtain and breaking free from shackles.
And the Angels are here to show you, teach you, and guide you along the way.
The Angels are nudging you to reach beyond your fears, your shame, your guilt, your anger … , to stop seeking external validations.
As you start to feel more into who you truly are, your Divine truth becomes more and more apparent, and you begin to shine your true Divine Light into the world, producing magical ripples as you go.
6. You start confronting your pain and your wounds, as you begin your healing journey.
This is the one thing that is hard to accept when connecting with Angels, but you will feel pain. It is not all rainbows and unicorns.
As you connect with your Angels, you will feel the push to remove from your energy and your life what is not supporting your Soul essence. And as you break free from your shackles, whatever the shackles are, like when a weight is lifted from your shoulders, you may suddenly realize how unhappy, how trapped, how enslaved you were before, and this is one truth that is hard to face – especially if you were the one willingly accepted the shackles.
It might appear to be less painful to keep the shackles on and pretend not to see them.
As the Angels are pulling you upward, you may start facing your shadows, healing your inner child, breaking free from familial curse, healing ancestral karma. You might have to deal with a lot of pain and trauma … for your highest good.
But you face your pain, you heal others.
When you break free, you free others.
When you give yourself permission to honor your mind, body and spirit, you lead by example.
When you break the family curse, you also heal the generations before you who came to hold the Light. If you are the black sheep of your family, it’s because you were born to break the mold to free others from the mold …
When you reintegrate, within you, a lost part of your Soul, you show others how they can do the same.
I guess this is why so many people don’t connect to their Angels: they are afraid of what follows, of the pain, of the inner transformation … but ultimately you become more Divine and more human.
7. You start opening within you a portal into higher realms of consciousness.
Yes, there is something beyond Angels & Archangels, something bigger …
We exist at a multi-dimensional level. We are connected to multiple simultaneous timelines. We cannot possibly comprehend how vast and Divine our Soul is. But when you connect with Angels and you start raising up your vibrations, and you feel this pull upward, you start opening up to the wisdom of your Soul beyond timelines.
You start reconnecting to your past-lives and sometimes your future lives.
You start remembering about Lemuria and Atlantis, or about Venus and Andromeda or wherever your Soul spent time.
You start piecing up together lost Soul fragments, remembering who you truly are at a Soul level.
You start opening doors to other realms, the Fairies, the Dragons, the Unicorns, etc.
You start inviting other spirits guides in your life, Ascended masters, The Council of Light, Elves, …
You start channelling higher Light energy and emitting higher Light in your life …
You become an agent of healing, peace, and Divine Truth seeding seeds of Light around the globe.
… and how to get started.
How do you begin working with your Angels? Well chances are, you are already working with them but you might not have realized it.
Every time you listened to your intuition, every time you decided to follow your guts, or your heart, depending on where you felt the nudge, every time you had a vivid dream with an important answer to your questions, every time you heard a voice in your head saying: “No! Danger!”, it was your Angels guiding you, your Soul whispering to you the right answer, sending you an epiphany.
If you want to deepen your connection with your Angels, that is, if you want to ask them question, and receive an answer, a message, a sign, ask for them for help, and see this help materialize in your life afterwards, or if you want to actually hear them, or see them, or feel them, then you can start by sending out an invitation to your Angels, asking them to make themselves more present into your life. You can connect during a meditation with an open mind and open heart, you can shout it out, you can write them a letter … and see what happens!
If you feel you need more help, check out my Intuitive Guidance offers. During a reading + healing, I facilitate a connection with your Angelic & Faeric guides, so you may hear your Divine Truth.
Love & Light,
Gretta ✨💛
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