Angel Signs


Angels, your guides, your inner voice, speak in many different ways … 

I sometimes hear a clear message in my head … 

I sometimes receive a vision in my mind … 

Sometimes it’s a slow rising feeling … 

Sometimes it’s a quick lightening bolt illuminating my psyche … 

Sometimes it’s a tightening in my belly … 

Or goosebumps from head to toe … 

And sometimes it’s a clear and magical sign! 

Here are 7 of the most beautiful signs I have received from the Divine and 7 others I didn’t quite get … 


✨💛  dog = god ? 

When I was growing up, in a little village in Normandy, my parents were not religious. They both had been raised catholic, in different communities, and rejected catholicism very early on. They went against their respective families’ wishes and didn’t have us, my siblings and me, baptized when we were born. They wanted to give us the choice to elect our own religion when we’d grow up.

I was very grateful they wanted to give us the choice but, also, their education about God or Christ or what they actually believed in, was very confusing. 

I came to understand, or so I though, that they didn’t believe in God but, still, they were warning us against bad karma. They didn’t believe in sins, but believed in Heaven. They seemed to loath catholic faith but admired Jesus-Christ. It was not very clear to me what they believed in, and in turn, what I would believe in. 

Plus, some of my classmates only believed in the material world, science, what you can prove, and they were telling me only the naive and uneducated believed in the spiritual world. And I was neither naive nor uneducated. 

For a while, I was confused, trying to make sense of it all, but at some point, as a teenager, I kinda started to believe that God truly existed, but the ideas mankind had of the Divine was incorrect, flawed, mistaken.

Still I was doubting.

Then one evening, I was sitting on the stairs at the entrance of my high school with my best friend. We were alone and quietly watching the sun set as we were waiting for the dormitory to reopen so we could get to our rooms. It was very peaceful. We had nothing to speak about. My thoughts erred around.

Suddenly, my heart burst out and I asked for a sign and I thought: “God if you truly exist, send me a sign!” 

At this exact moment, a dog came out of nowhere and sat down between us two. 

My friend and I looked at each other, surprised.

My friend shrugged. She didn’t care.

She and the dog continued to look at the sunset. 

I looked, amused, at the dog, and thought: “Dog, are you the sign?” He immediately looked back at me, straight into my eyes, and I heard him say in my mind: “You asked for a sign!”. He got up and left. I never saw that dog again. 

I was stunned! 

First, because I heard the dog speak in my mind, and also, because I asked for a sign and I had apparently received one. Which meant God was listening … and answering! 

I think this is the point when I stopped doubting … about the Divine. I still had doubt about my own self and my abilities to truly listen and receive. 

I also understood then that God doesn’t oblige us to believe: we have a choice. We can ignore the signs, we can choose to believe we are not worthy, we can choose to believe there is nothing spiritual in our lives. Or we can choose to be honest and see what there is to see.

This was a turning point in my life. 🙌🏻✨ 

✨💛  The Morpho Butterfly

After my son was born and we moved to Mexico, as I was switching from my science job to my spiritual Angelic job, I started to work with various healers and coaches to help me step into this newer version of myself. And thank God, because I couldn’t have done it by myself. 

I was working with a friend of mine and healer, on releasing karma stemming from my past-lives, as well as finding the best ways for me to express my Soul in the here and now. 

One day, just after finishing a session with her, I had to jump into my car to go pick up the kids from school. As I was rushing through the door, a very big, electric blue butterfly came to me to say hello. 

It was so big, so beautiful, so majestic, so magical, basically like the blue butterfly emoji from Apple, a Morpho butterfly. 🦋

I had visited Mexico many times for holidays before moving here and I had been living in Mexico for about a year, but I had never seen such butterfly there. I didn’t even know that these butterflies were native to Mexico.

And here it was! A beautiful sign from the Divine. 

A sign telling me I was transforming! Like a metamorphosis.

That I was on the right path! That I was freeing my Soul.

And also a sign to say “Thank you for doing that! It is much needed. You are needed! So thank you for being willing to put in the work and going through metamorphosis yourself.” 🙌🏻✨

✨💛  The Sand Dollar

One day, my husband confessed to me, out of the blue, that he had a large credit card debt in a U.S. bank and that he needed me to help him with the money to repay it. 

First of, I didn’t know about this debt and second, I had no income, being a housewife and all, and that was a lot of money so I thought it was not really fair from him to ask me to help him! 

I didn’t know what to do. I was angry, anxious, upset. One one hand, yes, I am his wife and his money problems are also my problems. On the other hand, I didn’t know how I can possibly earn that much money so quickly. So what to do?

I decided to vent my frustration on the beach and went in for a walk. 

Before I left home, I set the intention to speak to my guides and to receive an answer on what to do. 

So I was walking on the beach, trying to calm down, trying to receive the sun on my skin, to feel the sand beneath my feet, to listen to the pelicans and the sea, but after a while, I was just repeating in my mind: where can I find so much money? Shall I tell him it’s just not my problem? 

Where are we going to find so many dollars? 

Where are we going to find so many dollars?

Where are we going to find so many dollars?

And just as I said the word “dollar” in my mind, I step onto something in the sand that felt weird under my foot. So I looked down and it was a sand dollar. 

And I immediately got the message that all would be well and the money problem would take care of itself. 

Plus the sand dollar holds so much more spiritual meanings: abundance yes, but it also refers to healing, Unicorns, and Atlantis, Jesus-Christ, spiritual wisdom, etc.

It felt like such a wonderful blessing. A miraculous sign.

I must explain there were rarely any sand dollar on that beach. In the 3 years I had lived there, this was only the second sand dollar I found, so it was truly an Angel sign.

And it became true because 3 weeks later my husband found a way to pay off the credit card debt without me being involved.  🙌🏻✨

✨💛  “Lysander” 

It was one of this day, during Mercury retrograde, when I felt guided to tie up loose ends at home and had decided to write up my notes on this Atlantean class I had done 2 years prior, to then send an email to the teacher so I could get my diploma. 

Before getting into work, I wanted to get in the mood by browsing BuzzFeed for a little bit. And I scrolled upon this interview with actress Emily Blunt. A Quiet Place had just hit the cinema. 

A question she was asked was: “Do you have a secret talent?”

And Emily told the story of how there was a kid in her school, Lysander, who could do a special trick with his tongue. She felt jealous and practiced until she could do it too. And that was her secret “talent”.

When I read this, my first thought was “Lysander”? It’s not a very common name, except maybe in Shakespeare’s work? Or maybe it’s very common in the U.K.? It called out to me for some reason.

Anyhow, I finished reading the interview and then opened my notes to start working. 

The first word I stumbled upon was “Lysander”. 

Why on Earth did I write “Lysander” in my Atlantean notes?  

Well … during the course, we had done a meditation to meet our Atlantean guides, special spirit guides who help us connect with our experience, our past-lives spent on Atlantis, and my guide, as it appeared to me, is an Elf whose name is Lysander. 

To me, it felt like a sign that I heard it right the first time. That my guide was really with me. And that I was at the right place at the right time. That, maybe, I was meant to explore and reintegrate the wisdom I had during Atlantis. And most of all, that I could trust myself, my insights, and my connection to my own Divine self. 

✨💛  The Shooting Star

Some years ago, I decided to bring my family together (my husband, our 2 kids, and I) and do some manifesting together. On a full moon in October, we each wrote some intentions and wishes on a piece of paper that I later asked the moon to bless and for the Archangels to help us making our dreams come true. 

Once we explained our 5 year old that this was not a list for Santa but just some good wishes for our family, he wrote that he wishes for the whole family to see a shooting star. 

I thought it was a beautiful sentiment and I put his wish with the rest of ours. Only God knows what our 2 year old drew (?).

Time passed, then on Christmas Eve, after diner, I made the whole family go for a walk on the beach, officially to look for Santa, unofficially, I just needed to breath some fresh air and connect to the stars. We were all looking at the stars, and then right there, next to Orion’s belt, a shooting star. 🌠 And we all saw it! 

And my 5 y.o. started screaming: “That’s Santa’s sleigh. He is coming!” 

It was a perfect, magical moment.

And then I remembered his wish. 🙌🏻✨

It was a message to trust in the magic of life, the magic of the little things, the magic of setting intentions and trusting the Divine to deliver however it is Divinely intended.

✨💛  The Iguana

It may be more of a Fairy sign, than an Angel sign, but it’s coming from the same place … the Divine! 

One day I was giving free Angel readings on Facebook and this lady was telling me that she felt like something dark was in her path. 

So I wanted to look at that and, in my experience, sometimes, the “something dark” people feel around them, really is a part of them that is not seen or recognized or needs healing and love. It can feel dark (angry, revengeful, upset) but is not necessarily dark since it’s coming from them.

So I tuned into this lady’s energy and I saw a path and I saw a dark figure on her path. I started walk the path and come closer when I heard my Angels saying: “You know there are dark entities around us sometimes! There is no need to kid yourself here.” 

But I didn’t want to listen and continued to come closer, and closer, and closer.

Suddenly … someone knocked at my kitchen window, which scared the shit out of me. I opened my eyes and there was an iguana, looking at me through the window, which was strange because the iguanas usually didn’t come so close to the house.

And he started to look straight at me, as if saying “What are you doing? You know it’s dangerous!” 

I looked at the iguana. 👀

I looked at my reading. 👀 

And I thought: “Ok, there is really a dark figure here. I am not going to come closer. But what should I tell the lady?”

I looked back at the iguana. 👀 

The iguana looked back at me, 👀 as if saying “What card did you pull?”

I realized the card I had pulled, “Moon Cycles”, was actually displaying the Holy Trinity, as well. And I had a feeling the lady was a christian and would know how to invoke the Holy Trinity to remove whatever was dark; which is what I wrote her.

“Something else?”, I asked the iguana. 👀

He turned around and left! 

Thanks for protecting me, Angels + Iguana Spirit! 🙌🏻✨🦎 

One spiritual meaning of the iguana is “acute awareness”! 👀

✨💛  A Car Accident? 

Some years ago, one night, when I was about to close my eyes and chase sleep, I suddenly got a vision: I was driving a car. It was going fast and I was trying to hit the brakes. The vision got so vivid that my right leg actually was kicking, trying to hit the brakes. The brakes were not working and eventually I was about to crash into a wall when I suddenly “woke” up.

I was wondering what the vision could mean: was it a metaphor for something in my life? For some situation where I felt I was going too fast and was trying to hit the brakes? Or was it a vision about a real car crash?

In the small town we were living in, in Mexico, the road to school I took everyday was kind of dangerous. I had seen many car accidents on that road due to people driving too fast. Sometimes up to once a week. 

So I was afraid the vision could let me know about an upcoming car accident. 

I asked my Angels what it meant and what I was supposed to do. They simply asked me to pray.

So I said something like: “Thanks God and Angels for protecting me and my family and our cars, for reminding my husband and I to be careful on the road, to drive responsibly, to pay attention to others, etc. Thank you for protecting us. My family doesn’t need a car accident. I reject this! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

And I went to sleep.

The next night, I received the same vision at the same time. I asked the Angels again: what does all this mean? What am I supposed to do? 

“Pray again!”, they said, “it’s working.” 

And so I repeated the prayer and went back to sleep. 

The third night, the same vision. “And now?”, I asked but I prayed anyway. When I was finished they told me: “It is done!” and the vision didn’t come back.

I was wondering what all this meant but couldn’t get any answers. 

Two weeks later, my husband sent me a text: “I almost died today!” with a photo of a truck behind his car, crashed into the median of the road into a palm tree. 

My husband told me that he was stopped at a red traffic light on the road I described earlier, and he saw this truck coming behind him that didn’t seem to be slowing down. He couldn’t move his car at all because all the other cars were stopped at the red traffic light. He was starting to wonder if he should get out of the car or not. The truck was coming closer and closer, when suddenly the driver veered left and choose to crash into a palm tree in the median. The truck’s brakes had given out and he couldn’t stop. So instead of crashing into my husband’s car, he opted for the palm tree instead.

Thank God everybody was ok! 

That’s when I understood the vision I had received and the prayers I was asked to make. 🙌🏻✨

And 7 signs I missed … 🙈

🤷🏻‍♀️  The Shower

When my son was 2 and started pre-kinder,  I was so happy to have some free time for myself to go to the gym! 

My gym teacher didn’t like when we checked our phone every 2 min so I’d usually put my phone away for the duration of the class. I reasoned that I was coming to the gym right after my son entered school so if there was a problem at school they would call me later in the day, maybe not 10 minutes after the class started. 

One day, after I had just left my son in school, I was driving to the gym when I heard this voice in my head from my Angels telling me “You should go home and take a shower.” 

Usually I was the one trying to flake going to the gym, not my Angels. 

I said I was ok and that I wanted to exercise. 

They said again: “Trust us! You should go home and take a shower.” 

I couldn’t understand. I asked if something really bad was going to happen to me if I’d go to the gym. I was thinking maybe a mugging on the parking lot? 

They said no. 

So I decided to go the gym.

One hour later, I looked back my phone: I had 15 missed calls from the school and my husband, and a message simply saying: “You go to school to pick up our son and I meet you up in the E.R.” 

So I guessed something happened. 

I jumped in the car, wondering what was wrong and I immediately received a vision of my son’s forehead bleeding and needing stitches.

I arrived at school and it’s exactly what had happened: he fell against the whiteboard and opened his forehead on the metal thingy where you put the markers. Exactly 1 min after the class started.

So I brought my kid to the E.R. and as we were waiting for the doctor, my son was in my arms, I was hot and sweating from everywhere. My son kept rubbing his head against me, against my sweaty top, his wound was bothering him.

And I thought: this can’t be sanitary! I wished I had time to take as shower before coming here. 

That’s when I realized: “Oooooh! That’s what you were telling me.” 🤦🏻‍♀️

🤦🏻‍♀️  The Armadillo 

As I was getting ready to go to the beach with my kids, my Angels said: “Take your phone!” 

I told them I didn’t need my phone, I didn’t want my phone. I wanted to spend some time with my kids, focusing on them, playing with them. And we would’t be long. My husband would not worry. I didn’t need to check Facebook, or the news. 

“Take your phone!” they said again. 

“No, I am good!”

I ignored them and went on the beach. 

There was something weird moving on the beach! An animal for sure. From far away it looked like a rabbit maybe, but also, it was evident this was not a rabbit. 

I looked on perplexedly as the beach guard was also looking on, wondering back at me: what is that?

We went closer to see. The animal was busy smelling the sand, going around, searching, busy, busy, busy. 

It was an armadillo! 

A beautiful little armadillo, curious of the beach, of the sand, and us as we were following him around at a safe distance. 

I had never seen an armadillo in the wild before, and certainly not on a beach.

How lucky we were to see him doing his armadillo thing!  

I wished I had my phone so I could take some photos to share with my husband. 

And then I remembered: “Oooooh! That’s what you were telling me.” 🤦🏻‍♀️

🤷🏻‍♀️  The Rakes

As I was walking meditating on the beach that morning, I found something unusual in the sand. 

A green rake and a red rake. Little rakes for kids to play in the sand. 

While kids were visiting the beach, they never had lost any toys before. So this was unusual and I knew it was a sign because the green rake was like a “Go” sign and the red rake was like a “Stop” sign. It would have been different if I had found, let’s say, a bucket, a rake and a shovel. 

Also, the red rake was smaller than the green rake. 

Rakes are a symbol for gathering, either gathering what you sowed, or gathering garbage to be released … 

“What did it mean?”, I wondered, looking obsessively at the little rakes like a crazy, lonely woman on the beach. I asked my Angels. I didn’t receive any answer. I went home. 🤷🏻‍♀️

🤦🏻‍♀️  The Yellow Sapphire

During my trip to Japan, I had found, in a souvenir shop, a beautiful, yellow sapphire necklace. 

A small, yellow crystal of such particular color, as sapphires are normally blue. 

It looked like citrine but more sparkly. 

It was expensive but not too expensive that I couldn’t afford it. So I bought it as a souvenir. 

Years later I was traveling to Bristol (U.K.) for a meeting. The necklace was loose in my suitcase.

The Angels told me to place it somewhere safer, like inside a baggy. I told them no, I will not loose it. I will find it again amongst all my clothes. No worries. 

I didn’t find it again. I never saw it after that. I emptied the whole suitcase, before going home and after at home, it was not there. 

I don’t think I lost it.

My guess is someone went into my B&B room and saw it, and took it. 

Maybe if I had put it in a baggy, it wouldn’t have been so on display, and nobody would have been tempted.  

Listen to your Angels guys! 😵‍💫

🤦🏻‍♀️  The Good-Bye 

It still pains me to speak about this but you can read the whole story here. 

So I will just say: 

When a friend says “Good-bye!” to you, instead of “See you later!” and you feel deeply like something is wrong. And your guides are telling you: “Something is wrong!” 

Like really wrong! Like an alarm is going on in your mind. And your whole body wants to spring into action and go to her.

You should really follow up on that and check on your friend! 

Fortunately, my friend later turned out ok: the Angels were looking out for her. But I wished I had done things differently and coaxed her into speaking about what was going on, how she felt, or checking in on her later, or maybe calling her parents.

I regretted not following my gut but I also learnt a valuable lesson in listening, trusting, and following your inner guidance.

🤦🏻‍♀️  The License Plate Number

So this is a long story about not listening to your Angels but in short: 

I was about 14 years old and I was walking down the avenue of my small village to the bus stop to go to school. It was early morning and there was nobody around. The streets were completely deserted except for this car that suddenly appeared at the other end of the avenue and was coming in my direction.

“You see this car? Memorise the license plate numbers!”, my Angels said. 


“Memorise the license plate numbers of the car!”

“No, I don’t want to. Is this a game? I don’t want to play games!”

The car was coming closer.

“Memorise the license plate numbers! It’s important!”

“No! I can’t. That’s a lot of numbers!”

The car was almost there.

“Stop on the sidewalk! Take out a notebook from your bag and write the license plate numbers down!”

“No! I don’t want to have this written in my notebook! For what?”

“Tear a page from your notebook and write the license plate numbers down!”


“It’s important!”


The car stopped by my side.

The argument was over. My Angels were silent.

The driver, a man, rolled down his window.

Shit, I thought. I will actually have to speak to him.

“Excuse”, he said, “do you know the directions to the woods?”

As I leaned to answer him, I saw that his thingy was out and he was masturbating, looking perversely at me.

Repulsed, I threw my body away from the car and looking away, I indicated  a direction. “Go this way.”

“Oh perhaps, you’d like to come with me. We could have a good time, alone in the woods.”


Looking at him right in the eyes, I stood up tall and said: “I need to get to school now!”

I turned around and left. The car went away, in the direction I had indicated. The bus came and I went to school.

I thought about telling all to my mum, but since nothing really had happened I didn’t think it was worth mentioning. And I knew it would made her angry.

The rest of the day went smoothly but the next day …

Well, the next day, my small school was in a riot. Everybody was speaking about the pedophile!

After “speaking” to me, the man went to the direction I had indicated and came about another little girl, younger than me. This time around he actually exited his car and tried to force her inside. Luckily, she shouted with all her might and several people came outside their home to help. The man left really fast.

Heavy guilt felt all over me. It was my fault, I thought. After all, I had told the man to go in that direction. I was responsible, I felt. I went to apologize to the little girl. But she didn’t hear my apology.

All she was concerned about was that somebody else had the same experience as hers and that I should speak to the police too, so they would know that she was not lying.

And so an appointment was taken. A police officer would come to my home in the evening to take my testimony a report, in presence of my mom. As he laid down his typewriter on our kitchen table, and my mom was glancing at me with an accusatory look, I told my story.

The officer read the report to me.

“Is this correct?” he said.

“Yes!” The car, the masturbation, the woods. Everything was correct.

“Now one important thing, sweety, did you memorize the license plate numbers? Perhaps you wrote it down in your notebook? or on a piece of paper?”

Looking down: “No”, I muttered.

I noticed he used the same exact words as my guardian Angels.

“It would have been really helpful! Do you know how long it’s going to take me to find this car?’ Two days, in fact. It would take him two days to find a car corresponding to the description we gave him in the database.

I was feeling guilty and sorry. I should have listened to the voices and do as I was told. This was the first time in my life that I truly acknowledge I had an inner guidance, or Angels, or a conscience or something guiding me and guarding me. Too bad I couldn’t always listen to it.

 🤦🏻‍♀️  The Soulmate

This is not a sign I missed but a concerned lady missed big time. 

I was giving free Angel readings on my page and this lady asked me for a message for her regarding work. 

And I pulled out this card for her: “Soulmate Relationship”

I was immediately drawn to the spirals the dolphins were making, like DNA strands. I received the message that instead of trying to fit in in a job she didn’t like – she was the bread winner of her family as her husband couldn’t work at the time – she should really try to build her own company, as she was planning to do. Her family and his family were not supportive of that, since they were afraid that she would not make enough money to support her husband and their kids. 

The Angels came with a message to reassure her that if she would follow her voice and do what is written in her DNA, the money and happiness would be there. Her business would be successful. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe she would still have to keep her job a little longer, but she couldn’t loose hope and she should continue planning and taking step to fund her business. 

Before I could speak she started crying!

What no?! What did I do wrong? 🥺

She told she had being doing reading for herself, and that she had the same deck of cards as mine, and that every time she was asking the question of wether she should start her own company, despite how her family was feeling, she would get this card. Three times in a row. 

And she was crying because, to her, it meant she would meet her “soulmate” and that she would have to divorce her current husband, and that the kids would suffer, etc., etc. And she didn’t want any of that. 

I almost laughed to her face. 🙈

When pulling cards, you can’t take everything at face value, You have to tune in and look beyond the message on the card. Sometimes the message on the card doesn’t really matter. Sometimes it’s a symbol that calls out to you. 

Sometimes I start tuning in a card and then my spirit goes way above and I start channelling things out of my heart, things that have nothing to do with the oracle card. 

She was happy I could offer her a different meaning to the card. Something that made more sense, as she truly loved her family and didn’t want to divorce, and something to give her hope that she deserve to have a job that fulfills her and her Soul.


The most important thing is to be open hearted and open minded. 

Know that when you connect with your inner guidance, your Angels, your guides, the guidance is coming from your heart, even if you receive an external sign. 

And you cannot control how the Angels are going to answer, so you must be open-minded to see, hear, feel, or recognize their signs. 

The second thing to remember is to release stress and anxiety. If you are too anxious or depressed, because of the situation you find yourself in, try to release the stress you are feeling by taking some deep breaths. Center yourself around your heart. And ask for a message. If you are too frazzled, upset, or terrified, you might not receive or hear their message in the moment ,so you may try out later when you are calmer. 

Trust yourself that you will receive what you need to receive at the time when you need it. 

If you are afraid of making the wrong decision, here is a tip. 

Tell your Angels: “This is the decision I will most likely make. If I am wrong, if this is not in my highest good, or the highest good of [people involved], let me know in the coming days. Send me a sign that I will not miss and that I will easily understand, that I should take a different decision.” 

Pay attention the next 3 days for what is coming your way. 


Let me know in the comments about the Angel signs you have received or the ones you have missed.

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