Hello Luminous Souls, ✨🌅
How is the beginning of the year for you?
Are you feeling the blessings and the magic coming up for you?
Are you feeling the hope that comes with a renewal?
Are you ready to surrender to the transformation that 2022 brings?
Personally I feel this year is going to be amazing. First because, 22 or 222 is my lucky number. 🍀 I am 2×22 years old. 😅 And 222 symbolizes keeping your thoughts positive so you don’t sabotage the blessings that is coming up for yo.
Second, because this year will be focused on empowerment, freedom, following your Divine guidance, realizing that we always are more powerful than what we are led to believe, in any given situation, and trusting your gifts and your magic.
This will lead to some amazing changes in our lives and around us, in our communities, and the planet. 🌍
I asked the Angels and the Unicorns for guidance on these 3 topics:
🌠 What magic will bring 2022?
The ability to tune out the external, pessimistic, fear-mongering noise and tune into the music of the spheres, the rhythm of the Earth, our own tune, our own rhythm.
The Unicorns are saying that 2022 will be fast-paced but also slow at times, sometimes very up-lifting, sometimes crashing down low but … that we will – always – have the ability to dance to our own rhythm, to tune out the external noise, to rebel, to sing louder or more quieter. We will always be able to shift our energy to match the outcomes we desire. It will be easier to trust our own voice, to believe in our own abilities to create what we have intended, to express ourselves, to follow our heart.
Dancing and singing are incredibly powerful to raise your vibrations or to shift your energy into the direction you want to go, or to release powerful emotions and let them flow. There will be incredible music out in 2022 that we can use to manifest through dance. 💃🕺🏽
It’s also a message to quiet and listen more and more the the rhythm of the Earth, the moon, the seasons, the nature … 🏜🪘 We are evolving in synch. We are healing along. Don’t cut yourself too far off from Mother Earth. Dance with the gnomes and Fairies. ✨🍄
This is also a message that we will finally be able to move. During 2020, we were quarantined, unable to move. During 2021, we were half-quarantined and depressed. During 2022, we will be moving on, moving forward, moving from this place of stagnation, transforming, changing, maybe swimming to new shores. That’s my wish for you all: to be able to move wherever your Soul & heart is guiding you, whether physically, or mentally, or within your heart. 🚣🏼♀️
🌠 What could we learn in 2022?
The lesson 2022 is bringing us is about giving and receiving.
As you know there should be a balance between giving and receiving. If you are giving too much without receiving, you dry up, depleted, sick until you stop and take care of yourself. If you are not giving enough, you constrict the flow of energy, or time, or resources, and stop receiving since you do not seem to enjoy this gift of Divine energy.
This balance between giving and receiving, like breathing in and breathing out, is a natural rhythm of the Universe. But it’s also a personal rhythm, unique to you.
Giving love and receiving love.
Receiving inspirations and birthing new creations.
Creating, building, reaching out and resting, quieting down, listening, feeling.
When you understand, and even master, your Divinely-human rhythm, life gets easier. 💫
During 2022, we will also question how do we relate to others, to our community, to our societies, to our governments, …
What do we give and what do we receive?
What do we want to give and what do we want to receive?
How do we want to give and how do we want to receive?
What do I deserve to receive and what can I give?
What do others need and what can they give?
On a spiritual plane, these questions have a lot of weight: we are all ONE and yet we are individuals with different needs, personalities, life choices. This is one of the lessons humanity came here to understand since Lemuria: how to be separate but still ONE? 💔
🌠 How can we be more empowered to follow our Soul path in 2022?
“Fly higher and see new possibilities”
One of the main problem with following your inner guidance, trusting your Soul to know the way, is that we cannot see all the infinite possibilities the Universe has for us. We cannot see so far into the future. We cannot fathom our own powerful gifts, wisdom, and magic. We can try, however, to raise our vibrations and set our sight higher, to open our minds to see beyond what is in front of us, our current limitations, what is not yet there, but still forming, birthing in front of us. ⚡️
The Angels are saying to us, this year, try to see everything from a higher perspective. Take a break from the 3D-mind and what you seem to see, and go higher into 4D and 5D, into your heart. Expect more from life. Expect miracles. Test your own power. See what you can achieve. Trust yourself, your voice, your intentions. Ask your spiritual self for help, your team of guides and Angels to assist. Rise above the mundane and bring in more of the spiritual.
And when you are able to see everything from higher perspective, you will realize it all comes down to love. Where love is seeded and where love is depleted. And you will be able to make heart-based choices and changes in your life. And this, in turn, will create ripples for everyone else … 🙏🏼❤️
I am wishing you a wonderful year 2022, filled with blessings, freedom, empowerment, magic & miracles. 🌈🌟
If you would like a 2022 reading & healing for yourself, please contact me. 🙏🏼🌟
Love, Gretta ✨❤️
PS: Did you enjoy this reading? Consider making a donation. I appreciate you. 😘
PS: If you feel guided towards guidance + healing for yourself 💫, check out my healing offers or message me! 🔮
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