Hello Beautiful Souls, ✨
During my work with the Angels & Archangels, I have been witness to several energy healings, epiphanies, life-changing cleansing and more.
One of the visions that keeps coming back at this time is the disrobing, the unveiling, – the removing of the layers around the true self, around the heart. Dissolving the clothes, or chain-mail armor, mantle, veils, … surrounding a person’s energy body to unveil their true form.
This what happened to a client (and friend) of mine during an Archangel Alchemy Healing session.
As always, I started by surrounding myself with Angels & Archangels, creating a bubble of Divine Light for protection and for ensuring that everything that happens will be of the highest Good & Light.
Then I invited my client’s Soul, or higher-self, to join me, and then I asked whoever was present at that time Angels, Archangels, or any spiritual guides, who wanted to come forward and perform a healing on my client. As always, I never force, I never order, I only witness, and allow for the healing to happen.
During this particular healing, the Goddesses were telling me that they would like to help my client release her old stories about her self, about her life, about the roles she was made to play for others, and about the roles she assumed she had to play in order to stay safe.
And suddenly I see my client as a mummy, tightly wrapped in papyrus bandages, covering her up completely, preventing her from moving freely and opening her mouth. And the Goddesses began to carefully and lovingly dissolve the bandages and uncovering her “true form”.
They were not cutting as it was deemed too harsh, just slowly lifting up, removing, and dissolving her wrappings, her stories, the un-truth.
It took a while … as I was watching the delicate and gentle process.
Finally a beautiful woman made of pink Divine Light, covered in stars, emerged from the bandages and I was told “this is her true form” … which I understood meant her true Soul essence. 🤩
And we stayed looking at her while she was feeling her true form, moving freely … and then she decided her skin, her form, was too raw, too tender to go like that into the world. So the Goddesses gave her a light clothing and armor, and a sword, and told her to go and continue to cut off the old stories in her life and in the world.
It was such a beautiful vision. 🙌🏻✨
Later, my client told me that she was able to move through her emotions and find clarity to move on from her challenges.
I would like to encourage you to look at your old stories, the ones stored in your energy body, the ones that veil your Divine truth.
You are not the stories you tell yourself.
You are not the stories others told you.
You have evolved and changed so much throughout the years and will continue to change evolve under the Light of the sun.
We have undergone many metamorphosis! It’s time to release everything that is not the truth.
Release, transform, or alchemize your old stories.
If you would feel guided to receive an Archangel Alchemy Healing with me, check the Intuitive Guidance section.
I see you. I believe in you.
Gretta 😘
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