Hello Magical Souls,
On this Women’s Day (03/08/2025), when I tuned into the energy, my attention was immediately attracted to this question:
who are the Angels whose mission is to support women ♀?
And I also immediately heard: Archangel (AA) Ariel, AA Jophiel, and AA Haniel.
Let me know if the following resonates.
🪷 AA Ariel is supporting our abundance, our nurturing, our giving and receiving. She teaches us that we are infinitely abundant from the depths of the Earth to the highest Heavens. We are nurtured by both the Angelical realm and the earthly realm. She knows we didn’t come here to only suffer, to only sacrifice, to give everything to others only, but also to thrive, to blossom, to plant. She supports our nurturing of ourselves and others in our charge, humans, animals, or vegetal alike. She works with witches and belly dancers, teachers and psychotherapists, librarians and construction workers. You can invite her in if you need support Divine or earthly in whatever regards it may be.
🪷 AA Jophiel is supporting our need for beauty. The world is a beautiful place and so are the Heavens. She supports our earthly rendering of what the Heavens, the Divine looks like, feels like, is thought like. She supports us on shining the Divine beauty within ourselves to the outside, in our physical appearance, in our creations, in our house, in our environment, etc. She invites us to unlock our heart center and express our true feelings, thoughts, Divine essence. She works with women who want to make the world a better place, who need reminders that beauty is right there, within themselves and right outside under their eyes, women who want to create from their Divine essence. You can invite her in if you forgot how beautiful life can be.
🪷 AA Haniel is supporting our intuitive and emotional gifts. We are the bridge between Heaven and earth and this bridge is our intuition, our heart space, the feeling and letting go of our emotions. Being present to what is, what is hidden, and what will be. She encourages us to feel everything that is happening within us and to release it when the time has come, like the ebb and flow of the tides, like the cycles of the moon, or the shift of season. She invites us to ground deeply into the seasons of our life: maiden, mother, crone. We have gifts and challenges in each season, but always blessed in some way or another. She supports us in trusting ourselves, our Soul wisdom, our Divine visions, our visceral instincts, and in reclaiming our power, our place in the world as a bridge between Heaven and earth, between the Divine and the mundane, and in teaching men how to do the same for themselves, to not shy away from their emotions, and to trust their own intuition. She works with women who are deeply connected to their intuition – even if they don’t know it themselves, women attuned to the moon, to Nature’s cycles, to the ocean and the water of Gaïa. You can invite her in if you need guidance and emotional healing.
Of course there are many Archangels, all an emanation of the Divine, some well-known, some unknown, and you should call whoever you feel guided to. Trust your heart to show you your Divine Truth. ❤️🔥
I then asked the Archangels this question:
As a woman on this day, what do we need the most?
For years, we have, and our mothers before us, and our grandmothers before them, we have given and given and given with little in return.
We now need to feel supported and loved in return …
And it starts from within!
We need to give ourselves our love.
We need to feel worthy of unconditional Divine Love.
We need to support ourselves by creating boundaries and walls around us, as needed, to protect our well-being, our health, our peace of mind, our visions, our spiritual path, etc.
We need to ask more, or even claim, what we truly need.
We need to enroll the Angelic realm into creating a more nurturing life for ourselves and others.
This is a permission, this is an invitation, this is a reclaiming of your right to feel nurtured.
Wishing you an interesting, elevating, and magical day!
Love 💜, Gretta 😘
Angel Intuitive & Archangel Life Coach
PS: Go to my Ko-fi page for more Angelic & Faeric support.
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