Once, I was told that, as a little girl, I used to spend a lot of time in the Fairy realm.
It must have been true because I kept the connection to the Fairies, Mermaids and other elementals long after I became an adult.
Here’s a compilation of my personal Faeric (and others) encounters that I shared during a magical month of October …
Fairy Tale #1
I am not 100% sure, but I may owe my life to the Fairies.
When I was a little girl, and the world around me was too harsh, I would escape into the Fairy realm. I would spend time inside in my room or outside in our flower garden, alone, daydreaming my life away.
I would have conversation with imaginary friends. I would read Fairy tales and other “contes et légendes”, of other worlds like Egypt, Greece, Rome, China …
Unfortunately, as I was growing up, it came to my understanding that Fairies, much like Santa, were not really real. I hadn’t care much for Santa, I already knew that it was the parents buying our Christmas gifts, but, until then, I had assumed the Fairies existed! They appeared so much in my books …
I finally asked my mom if Fairies were real. “No”, she said, “it’s just tales.”
That was outrageous! 🤯
I was so sad and disappointed.
I remember thinking: “I am not sure I want to live in a world where Fairies don’t exist.”
As I continued to grow up and the world continued to be harsher and harsher, I was thinking more and more about not wanting to be a part of this world.
I was thinking about going home.
Going home to Heaven! 🌌
That’s when Pierre Dubois came into my life.
Pierre Dubois is a French author and illustrator with a formation at the Académie des Beaux-Arts, who happened to have written an encyclopedia about … Fairies!
Fairies and gnomes, and sylphs, and undines, and naiads, and … and … all sorts of elementals you could possibly encounter in every part of the world.
You name it, Pierre Dubois described it, in his encyclopedia.
Imagine! I was, maybe 15 years old, unsure of what to do in my life, not sure even, if I wanted a life here to being with, and suddenly I found that this professor-looking guy had written an encyclopedia, a “science book”, about Fairies!
It was clear that Pierre Dubois, not only believed in Fairies, but he was speaking to Fairies as well, and chasing them, so to speak, countries after countries.

He coined himself an “Elficologue”, years before Doreen Virtue would coin the term “Fairyologist”!
I was delighted. Finally an adult that believed and spoke to Fairies. It was possible! The world was not so bad after all. Maybe I could stay in a bit longer…
And, now, I knew without a doubt, what I wanted to do when I grew up: an adult who believes in Fairies!
Amirite? Who’s with me? 💗🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♂️
Fairy Tale #2
My second Fairy Tale has to do, again, with Pierre Dubois.
Years after his first encyclopedia about Fairies, Pierre Dubois published another encyclopedia specifically about gnomes, goblins, pixies, fauns, satyrs, Le Servan, etc …
I was a student back then, studying Biology at a University in France, and this book was a bit too expensive for me.
So when my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I asked her to buy it for me.
I was about 20 years old then, and my mom started to mock me: “What a big baby you are! Really? You still believe in Fairies? At your age…”
It was not really affecting me anymore. I knew since a long time that my mom didn’t “get me”. And I let it go.
So I was surprised, on my birthday, when I opened my gift: my mom had actually bought me the Gnomes encyclopedia, but she also had written me a very nice letter.
Basically she was saying, how happy she was to have such a daughter like me.
She was saying I was right in believing in Fairies!
That my soul was as pure as the soul of a little child, and it was very well like this.
And that the world needed more people like me, because “we” are not the kind of people who start wars.
And actually it’s true: “we” are here to bring peace, and light, and Divine Love into this world.
It’s hard for me to find the right words to express what I felt at this time: for the very first time in years, I had the impression that my mom had finally a glimpse of my soul and that she had seen me for who I really am. And it felt so good!
It was like a Fairy miracle. 🧚🏼♂️
PS: Pierre Dubois actually published a third volume of his encyclopedia about Elves, it’s here:
Fairy Tale #3
Six years ago, my husband and I moved to Bergen, in Norway because he had just been relocated by his company. I was 3 months pregnant with our first child.
We arrived there at the beginning of the Fall season and it was already quite grey and cold. The city didn’t seem very welcoming.
One sunny week-end, we went for a little hike up on the mountain Fløyen. It’s a very nice place full of tourists because it has a viewpoint on the whole city of Bergen and the 7 mountain peaks around the city.
I was trying to sense the energy of the place. I could see that the woods, the trails, and the little lake, all was well taken care of. It was clear that the people liked the place. It was a week-end meeting point: people would picnic, hike, dirt bike, ski in winter, … I could feel the people coming here and clearing their energy away. Like during a forest bath.
As we were walking around the lake, I suddenly felt a million eyes looking at me. I looked in the direction of the woods but I couldn’t see anybody there behind the trees. But the impression of being observed by a myriad of people didn’t leave me.
I wondered: “Who is there looking at me?”
Trolls! Suddenly appeared in my mind’s eye a million of trolls of various sizes, looking at me with curiosity, whispering to each over: “What is she doing here?” Some were concerned, some were just curious. They looked exactly like the postcards I had seen of trolls, years ago as a little girl.
I felt compelled to introduce myself. Telepathically.
“Hello everyone! My name is Gretta. I am here with my baby. We just moved to Bergen. I don’t plan on staying here long. My baby will be born here and then we will probably move again. I don’t want to be any trouble. And I don’t mean no harm. Nice to meet you.”
I felt a kind of relief coming from the woods. Some trolls left to go back to their occupations. Some were still watching me, curious.
“Ah, ok. She is here now. She is not trouble. That’s all right.” is what I could sense from them.
It was a strange feeling. I didn’t feel really welcomed but tolerated.
After that, I was always very respectful going into the woods.
Fairy Tale #4
To continue with troll stories (Scandinavian trolls, not internet trolls), I remember a time when I met a very curious baby in Bergen (Norway).
I was having lunch in a restaurant in Bergen.
There was a couple a few tables away from me. At some point, the lady bent over to pick up her baby from the stroller.
And, OMG, it was the ugliest new-born I had ever seen!
Now, don’t misunderstand me, I am a very nice person and I don’t go around calling babies or people ugly. But there was some thing about this little baby, in particular, that felt weird.
From what I could tell there was nothing wrong with her, just a feeling.
The mom turned around at this moment, and she looked exactly like her daughter.
I was looking discreetly at them both … For some reasons, I was fascinated. I was trying to understand why I felt so attracted to them.
“Angels!”, I asked, “help me to understand: why they look “ugly” to me?”
“What do they make you think about when you look at them?”, they asked me.
OMG! Trolls! They looked like trolls!
They were exactly like the Bergens from the movie “Trolls”: kind of “weird looking”, ugly, in a “troll” sense.
They were incarnated trolls. Like there are incarnated Fairies and incarnated Mermaids, … It would also make sense that incarnated trolls would live in Bergen, Norway.
I knew about an Incarnated Leprechaun who lived in Bergen as well. She was always wearing green clothes, of different shades, from head to toe. Her hair was colored in a very unnatural shade of orange. She was quite a sight! She had so much energy to her, and she looked like she was always on the move. I had come to believe that maybe she was bringing luck. So when I was downtown for groceries or something, and I wouldn’t see her, I would think: “Oh no! I didn’t see the Leprechaun lady, yet. Maybe today will be a bad day.” And I soon as I was thinking that she would appear around the corner.
Seeing the trolls, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There is such magic around us when you allow yourself to see and feel. I was so delighted to be in their presence.
Fairy Tale #5
About 7 years ago, I was visiting my parents, during some time off work, in our little village of Siouville, in Normandy (France). It was spring season and one day, my husband and I decided to go for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather.
[I know, this is Normandy and it is supposed to rain everyday, but on that particular day, the weather was very sunny!]
As we were walking on the cliffs above the beach, on the very same trail I had walked many times during my childhood, I suddenly spotted a lonely, pink, wild orchid on the mount.
In my little village, there are some wild orchids endemic from this region. They are little and beautiful but this particular orchid was different. First of all that was not the right season for these kind of orchids to bloom. Second, I usually found them a little down the trail not high on the mount. Third, she was alone, they usually bloom in pack. And then, this orchid was tall, its pink color was vibrant. She was fierce! And she was calling me.
I told my husband how weird it was for an orchid to grow there, isolated, at this time of the year and that I had to look closer. We climbed the mount and sat down next to her.
A beautiful, calming energy was bathing us while we stayed there, in silence, overlooking the sea and the beach at the bottom of the cliffs.
I asked the orchid silently: “What are you doing here ? Alone? At this time of the year?”
To my surprise, I heard her answering: “What am I looking at?”
And by the way, that was the first time a flower spoke to me.
“What am I facing?”, she was asking.
I looked around to see what she was speaking about. There was nothing to see except the beach, the sea … and the nuclear power plant in Flamanville.
You could see the monstrous, grey, depressing buildings from the mount. They were constructing a new powerful reactor, one of a kind. My father had worked there at some point.
“Exactly!”, she said, “I am mounting guard.”
I was pondering her answer, thinking about what this could mean. I would later learn that many entities (ET, spirits, elementals, etc.) are watching our every actions regarding the use of nuclear power.
Breaking the silence, she told me: “You know it is time, right?”
“Time for what?”
But I already knew the answer: it was time for me to get pregnant and give birth to my first baby. I had already received messages that the soul of my future baby wanted to be born soon. I didn’t feel ready but the Universe was gently pushing me in that direction. The orchid was just relaying the message.
“It’s like the tide.”, the orchid said, “The time is coming and you cannot avoid it.”
She was right. I had to think about this.
My baby was born the next year. 👶🏻🍼
Fairy Tale #6
I already published my tale with my meeting with the Dragon on the beach on my blog and you can read it here:
But I also seemed to meet a lot of Dragons on other beaches as well. 🐉
I now live in Mexico and have an access to the beach.
Here is a Dragon that I saw, just after the first, big Earthquake in South Mexico (September, 2017).
There were thunderstorms in the background. It sounded like the drums of a battalion going to war. The Dragon looked very menacing and I knew he was angry but I didn’t know at what?
I got a sense that he was there to protect, to protect Gaïa maybe, protect the people of Mexico?
But I was not sure.
I knew he was going to battle.
Look for yourself: what do you see?
Fairy Tale #7
The first time I met the Unicorns was when I was a teenager and reading a comic book. I can’t remember what it was and also I don’t have it home.
It was about some elves, that were at war and trying to protect their land from some kind of invasion. Who were they fighting against? I don’t now. Maybe men. There was something about a crystal that they had to reach. And the Elves were guided by a Unicorn, who actually, was the last of her kind. She was guiding the Elves in their journey/battle.
One night, the Elves were preparing the camp, while the Elf princess warrior leader was discussing with the Unicorn. The Elf started to tell her about her doubts: she didn’t think she had the capabilities to help her people, she thought was too weak. She thought that what was the point in fighting, and maybe it was the destiny of her people to loose the battle and die, etc.
Then the Unicorn turned to her and said: “I was so busy taken care of the army, pushing away the darkness and looking forward, that I didn’t realize that a little bit of darkness made its way into your heart.”
She then asked the Elf to face her, she lowered her horn and a beautiful, glittery, diamond, pure white light came out of the horn and started to fill the Elf’s heart, and moving upward through her third eye. The Elf let out a big sigh of relief: she was cleared of the darkness and she was more like herself now, determined and strong.
I was so in shock by reading this. I was thinking: “Me too! I want this. Oh God, why aren’t Unicorns real? Why can’t they come here and help us out of our darkness?”.
It was so unfair. Why can’t we have this?
Just as this moment, my Unicorn guide, that until that point I didn’t know was even there, came to me and whispered: “Just ask! And we will do it.”
His name is Gulliver and he blessed me with his horn, the same way the Unicorn healed the Elf in the cartoon.
And you can ask the Unicorns to do the same for you as well.
Fairy Tale #8
Actually this happened just recently (October 2017).
I am going through some business coaching to open myself up to receiving more abundance. And one of the thing that came up for me was my parental wounds.
You see, as a child, I strongly felt that my parents didn’t love me enough. Whether it’s true or not has no importance: I felt that their love was not enough.
Then I grew up and the Angels helped me saw the truth, in this situation, by showing me life through my parents eyes: they both had had a hard childhood.
My father’s mom died when he was 17 from leukemia and his father, my grand-father, didn’t seem like the loving type.
My mom complained also a lot about her parents, and the simply rougher time, back then, when she was a child.
The Angels made me realized that my parents gave me as much love as they were capable of, at the time, and I made peace with it. I forgave my parents a long time ago and thought this was resolved.
But now, in 2017, we, collectively, are going through many changes and old pains are coming back up to the surface, again, to be released, again. And this lack of love I felt as a child, came back to me in a big way when I was trying to expand my business, aka receiving more love.
Last week, I was exhausted: I couldn’t sleep well and had only 4 hours sleep per night for more than 3 nights in a row. I was feeling very stressed and somehow couldn’t relax using my usual ways. So one afternoon, the kids were quiet, I laid down on the carpet in our living room and closed my eyes for a second.
I felt like the Fairies were taken my body and lifting me up into another dimension. Not my physical body who was resting on the floor, but some etherical body of mine. I was so tired, I didn’t think of fighting back and let the Fairies do as they pleased.
What happened next I am not sure. But we seemingly travelled into a higher dimension.
“Do you believe your parents love you?”, the Fairies asked.
“Yes!”, I replied, “I know that in spiritual truth they hold the same love for me as our Creator does.”
“Good!”, they said. And just as this moment my “parents” appeared, or more exactly their souls or higher-selves.
The Fairies then told me to ask my parents for a piece of their love to bring back to my inner child to “fill her cup”, to show her my parents’ love for her, that she was craving so much.
And so I did!
I went to my inner child, this little girl who was sad because she was not loved enough, and told her “Look, there is a lot of love, it was not just available when we were growing up. But it’s there and it’s real.”
Then I don’t know what happened because I kinda black out and woke up when my toddler came jumping on my belly.
So dream? or Fairy healing? I let you choose …
Have you experienced something similar? Let me know!
Fairy Tale #9
My eldest son was born in Bergen, Norway (we now live in Mexico, and I am French). The good thing with Norway is that they told me that when my son turns 1 year old, the city of Bergen is obligated to provide me with a place at day-care. So I could go find a job, or, for me, to learn Norwegian and then find a job.
My baby was born in May and I knew that the school year started in August, so I was waiting for a phone call from the day care around July, more or less, to tell me that my son can start pre-school in August.
One ugly morning of February, the phone rang: it was the day care I had applied to, and they had a free place for my son.
A French family had left for Oslo. We were the next one on the list, so the director was contacting me. She was very nervous and demanded a reply immediately: “You have to say yes or no by tonight! And your son can start Monday.”
I was like “But I don’t know. He is only 9 months old!”
“You have to decide now!”, said the director.
I really wasn’t expecting this. It felt like she wanted to forcibly pull away my infant from my arms.
However a part of me knew that my toddler (he was walking at 8.5 months old) was ready for this. I could feel it in my heart.
He liked to mingle with other kids. He was bored with me alone at home.
Great things awaited him at daycare.
He would learn Norwegian.
He would learn to handle other kids.
He would play on the toboggan and visit the aquarium.
He would get sick and build his immune system. [That’s seen as something positive in Norway]
But I was not feeling it. A dark cloud, that I could actually see in my mind’s eye, descended over me.
I was not rational anymore. I saw images of my son getting bullied by the other kids.
[Very unlikely when they are 1-2 years old.]
I saw visions of teachers as bullies, because my son was French.
[Also unlikely as all daycares were thoroughly monitored.]
I saw a future where my son would not love me because I had sent him to daycare and somehow was the reason why he failed his all life.
[And that’s just bullshit crazy talk.]
What to do?
I decided to take 3 big breath intakes, trying to slowly exhale my angst away.
I asked the Angels, my Angels, his Angels, my higher-self, his higher-self, his Soul.
They all said “yes”.
Finally, I thought: why not using my oracle cards?
Doreen Virtue had produced special Unicorn oracle cards for children and I had purchased to give to my son when he would be big enough to play with them, in case he would be interested.
I was taking them out of the box when suddenly, my baby caught one: “Definitely yes!”, it said.
“No.”, I thought, “That’s not how you do it.”
I took back the cards, prayed over the deck, ask for the Angels to accompany us, ask the Unicorns to give me a clear sign that daycare was the right solution for my child.
Then I let my son pick a card:
“Definitely yes!”
Out of 44 cards, he picked the exact same card!
I knew then that getting my baby to daycare was the best for us both. But what about the dark cloud of bad energy that was around me?
“Make a list”, suggested my Angels.
A list of all the things I could now do with the free time I had. Like going to sport. Like going to shopping easily. Like working on my life purpose. Or going to museum. Etc.
Little by little, I was able to push the dark cloud away and be excited for this new chapter of our lives.
I envisioned Unicorns everywhere for protection and purification of the school and the kids.
I sent my son to daycare 3 weeks later. They actually had holidays before and the director told me it would make more sense to start after. They told I could come pick him up any time I wanted. That I was not obliged to bring him everyday. That I could phone the teacher during the day to make sure my son was ok. She told me she would call if something happened or if he wouldn’t stop crying.
He made friends. He was well accepted. Everyone was saying how lovable he was, and cute and affectionate with others.
I was worried for nothing but I think my ego was trying to get in the way of me working on my life purpose. Thank God for the clear signs that it was the best solution for us.
PS: Funny story! Many, many years ago, when I was researching material about Angels, the name of Doreen Virtue came up. So I started to follow her work a bit and I was listening to her radio show on Hay House to try to understand what kind of person she was, and what was her message, etc. And on the show one day, she was saying to call on the Unicorns. And I went: “aargh, ufff, who in their right mind would believe unicorns exist?” I believe in Fairies, Mermaids, Dragons, even, but I, somehow, drew the line at Unicorns.
PS: Do you have any experience with Fairies? Have you swam with Mermaids? Did you meet your Unicorn guide? Do you speak to Dragons regularly?
Please leave a comment below to let me know.
And check out my next article:
PPS: If you want a magical message from the Fairies or Mermaids or Unicorns, check out my intuitive guidance offers, in which I will connect to your Faeric guides to deliver you the spiritual guidance you need to hear now.
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