How I slowly became the Healer I was meant to be!

As Chiron, also known as the wounded healer, left Pisces for Aries on April, 18th, 2018, where it stayed for about 8 yearsΒ I realized that it was also approximately 8 years ago that I slowly transitioned from myΒ position as research assistant to Angel Intuitive.

Hum hum. 🀨

So I guess the two are related and it feels like a good time to tell the tale of how I switched from Science to Angels.

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As a little French girl, growing up in Normandy, I was already connected to Angels, and Fairies, and even Dragons. My intuition was wide open, but at the same time, I hadn’t realized that, the voices in my head, who were guiding me and guarding me, were, in fact, my guardian Angels. I realized that many years later, when I actually started to really study the Angelic realm.

My parents had a wonderful collection of esoteric books in their attic, ranging from subjects like Atlantis to aliens living amongst us, to Astrology and Tarot, to buddhism and Kabbalah, etc. And I was exposed early on to truths not told, to look beyond the veil, to research the paranormal.Β Β 

I loved astrology and the Tarot deck my father had. And I even pondered about becoming a Tarot reader / astrologer for a career choice. But I also knew my parents would not be down with that and also because I was a very good pupil, I decided to wade into Science. It seems a safer bet to announce to my parents I wanted to be a scientist than a psychic!

Since I always felt strongly connected to the ocean, I started to study Marine Biology, then got my Master in Biogeochemistry and enrolled, a little bit by chance, for a PhD in the field of Paleoceonography (study of past oceans and past climates) in Germany in 2004.Β 

At the time it really felt right, and I really wanted my doctorate and to become a researcher at a marine institute somewhere in the world, while keeping Tarot reading and astrology and Angels as hobbies.Β 

It’s after taking my first steps in research, that I realized that β€œScience” did not really match the dream that I had about people from various countries and various expertise coming together for the betterment of humanity.

There was in fact a lot of ego clash, andΒ competition above collaboration. It was very much a matter of politics, awards and recognition, more than making the world a better place … at least in my field.Β 

It was definitely an eye opener but it didn’t bother much and I moved on.Β I obtained my doctorate, started a post-doc, got engaged to my now-husband, and moved to Switzerland for another post-doc. I entered a nice little routine where,Β by day, I was trying to β€œfit in” and advance my career, generating data in the lab and trying to get my papers published. And by night, learning about Angels,Β  Angel therapy, and practicing my Tarot readings;Β  making sure to keep the two sides of me well separated.

And then … in 2007, something changed: my parents got a new neighbor, M.J.

They were still living in the same little house, in our little village in Normandy, bordering the sea, when this very curious, bizarre, crazy lady moved next to them.

Every Sunday, I would phone my parents and I would hear:

β€œM.J. said we shouldn’t do this, so we are not doing it anymore.”

β€œM.J. said it was bad for our aura to eat that, so we are trying to cut it out of our diet.”

β€œM.J. said your little sister has a dead spirit attached to her but that she doesn’t want to let him go at this time, you know?”


Evidently, I became worried that they were being sucked into a cult, or worse, and when I came to visit, over Christmas, I demanded the Universe to meet this M.J., face to face!

And the Universe delivered!

I had in front of me a lady, who clearly was out of this world and only a little bit in this one.Β A very old Soul, with a big aura that expanded into the room where she was at. Very high-vibrational. She was plugged into many other dimensions, that’s why she seemed crazy.Β 

My parents were clearly in awe of her but M.J. never wanted that kind of attention from them, she was just enjoying their company as they were the only friends she had there. And then, she wanted to see me face to face … as the Angels had messages for me!

Lots of things were said. Some I have forgotten. Some are not relevant here.

But, upon saying our good-byes, she let something out that changed my life.Β 

M.J. said that when she started befriending my mom she asked her about her kids, what they were doing, where they were, etc. When my mom said my name β€œGretta”, M.J. got a vision of me as aΒ Dame Blanche, which translates in English to White Lady, or lady in white, which, I guess, means something like β€œlightworker”, something of higher-dimension.Β 

And then my mom said: β€œShe is a paleoceanographer.”

M.J. told me at this point she was so grateful to God for putting β€œme” on this Earth and for guiding me to do this science job, she went straight home, and prostrated herself on the floor in front of a crucifix and thank Him for this amazing gift (me) to the Earth.

Clearly, I was horrified at this excessive display of … whatever. And I immediately wondered: β€œWhat am I actually doing to help or heal the Earth and the people?” And within that milli-second my work became meaningless.

Something in me was broken. I remembered the other career choices I had in mind originally, like taking care of dolphins, or turtles, or the environment and finding ways to fight pollution or protect the coastline, etc. In all honesty, I was not doing anything that would be β€œhelping”.

Back home, I continued working on my research but it felt wrong … like something was missing … like I was not at the right place … like I was not doing what I was born to do.Β 

I started to fight back my own feelings to maintain the status-quo: researcher by day, Angel communicator by night. I also started to fight people in my field, as the competition was getting more intense. I got married in 2008, and started to fight back the signs and messages from the Angels and Universe telling me that the time was right to make a baby.

Finally, I would just wake up in the morning, pretending everything was fine, and go fight my day of until the evening when I would turn to my Angels and complained about not feeling so well, and being so, so, so tired! And not accomplishing anything really.

But something big was approaching. I had seen it coming long before.Β  In 2011, the β€œswitch” started.

  1. My contract with the research institute in Switzerland was coming to an end and would not be renewed: I had to look for another job.
  2. I couldn’t ignore anymore the signs my body, my Soul, the Angels, and my husband were sending: it was time to prepare for a baby.
  3. I started to realize that my β€œAngel work” was more important to me than my science – and how powerful it was; especially after the Heidi incident.

A little voice in my head was nagging me: This is not the right place for you. You have beautiful gifts to use to heal people. Your science papers won’t matter once you go to Heaven!

I would turn more and more to the Angels, either to try to make the voice go away, or to try to understand what was β€œrequired” of me. One day, I asked them:Β β€œHow can I handle both the stress of my career and the stress of being pregnant and taking care of a baby? How is this going to work?”

β€œDon’t worry!”, they said, β€œwe will make sure you have the time and space to be pregnant and welcome the baby with peace of mind.” I understood they would get me fired! I became sure of that after I did a meditation with Charles Virtue with Archangel Nathaniel, the archangel of life changes.Β 

After pouring my heart out into this meditation, I knew I would become pregnant and unemployed, which happened by mid-2011.

Archangel Nathaniel also sent me visions of myself giving Angel readings and starting a blog, and teaching about spirituality.

The problem was: I didn’t know ifΒ I wanted that.Β 

My husband and I moved to Bergen (Norway),Β  andΒ a very uncomfortable period started for me.

On one hand, I knew my job in science was over but I was still hoping and searching for a position at the University of Bergen, knowing full well that it was not going to happen.

On the other hand, I was unable to start working on offering Angel readings or anything woo, nor was I able to take lessons in spirituality, like dream interpretation for ex., nor was I able to start a blog.

I was not able to let go of my old identity, of all the time and energy and money I had spent in getting my PhD, in collecting data for all my papers, of all the sacrifices I had made to further my career.

Plus I had the impression to let my mom down. My mom who was so happy of what I was doing, who always taught me that a woman should earn her own money. Would she be ashamed of me if I turned Angel reader?

So I ended up doing nothing , while feeling really ashamed for not working. I was so deep in the dump that my Angels sent me Goliath, a magical cat, to help me cope.Β 

I couldn’t move forward and I couldn’t move backward. I was stuck in the middle, waiting for some guidance that would never come.Β 

Every time I tuned into my Angels, to ask what my next step should be, or what would be required of me, what God wanted me to do, I always received the same message over and over: listen to your own feeling. Make a decision. Follow your heart. Be honest with yourself.

Except that I didn’t want to acknowledge it what my heart wanted. I had visions of the future but I didn’t know I wanted that future. It was not anchored in me, yet.Β 

I gave birth to my son by mid-2012. Still unable to make a decision: forward or backward? Still unable to look into my heart with the eyes of truth. Still asking for a Divine guidance to show me the way God wanted me to go.Β 

I didn’t know that at the time, but God didn’t want to impose me a way, God wanted me to realize the way of my heart was also His way. I understood this much. much later.

Finally in 2014,Β I was again browsing the jobs section on the University of Bergen website when suddenly I found the β€œperfect job”: a post-doc (again), same subject (again), same lab analysis (again). I knew I was too qualified to apply but the project leader was a friend of mine and I thought I would beg her to give me the job. I could already see me going to the lab, writing my papers, finishing up my old papers that I still hadn’t publish, going to conferences again. Oh my God! That was so good!

I wanted to apply immediately but somehow something stopped me.

My Angels starting to speak: β€œOk”, they said, β€œlet’s imagine you got the job. It’s Monday morning. You just left your son to daycare. You are walking back to the lab, where you will perform the same kind of analysis that you performed over and over again. Same thing! How do you feel? β€œ

My hands started shaking. I realized I was crying. I could hear my Soul, screaming from the deepest part of my being: β€œNooooooo! I don’t want to do this! Nooooooo!”

She was suffocating at the bare idea of going back to this kind of environment.

It was only at this moment that I realized that I couldn’t go back to my old life. Β 

β€œOk, so you do know now, you don’t want that. What is it that you really want?”

β€œI don’t know. You tell me! What is required of me?” I was so tired emotionally of not understanding what God wanted me to do with my life.

β€œImagine, you have only 1 year to live. These are the last 12 months of your life. How do you want to spend your time and energy during the next 12 months?”

β€œOh my God!”, I thought, β€œAm I going to die? What could I do if that was true? How did I want to spend the rest of my life?”

I suddenly thought of my baby. He would be 2 years old if I’d die in a year. That was terribly young to loose his mom. That was horrible. Why would God do such a thing? If that was true, I would want to write down all my stories about my experiences with the Angels, how to call in the Angels to help and heal others and yourself, and the story with Goliath, my cat, that my son never met, and so much more.

β€œGood!”, the Angels said, β€œYou know you have to write all these stories, not only for your son but for others who will learn and be healed with your words. Now you are not going to die in 1 year and you have time to start writing, but what do you want to do right now? What would make your heart sing? What do you want to experience? without thinking about a job or a career or earning money. What would truly give you joy?”

If nothing else mattered, what would I want to do? I thought about Doreen Virtue, she had said that 2014 was going tome the last year for her Angel Intuitive workshop. It was not true: she gave more workshop after 2014, but I believed it at the time. And I wanted to go.

β€œWhat’s preventing you to go?”, asked my Angels, β€œJust start making arrangements!”

I looked at the calendar. The workshop was taking place just during my husband’s scheduled holidays. I took this as a good sign. I knew we had enough money to fly there, the three of us, and even have some holidays before.Β And so we did!

And suddenly I had some kind of a plan. I knew what the first step was into moving forward. I became a certified Angel Intuitiveℒ️. Later we moved to Mexico, where I gave birth to our second son, and started to make plans for my blog and my Angel reading practice.

Even though I thought I knew what I wanted, it was not easy to come forward as an Angel reader and I still had to let go of a lot of limits and blocks. Thanks to my friendΒ Christina Sander and her Soul alignment therapy, I finally managed to put my blog online and start offering intuitive guidance onΒ December, 22nd, 2016!Β 

Nine years after meeting M.J.,Β five years after receiving my first visions of my new life, and during the 8 years that Chiron transited Pisces.Β 

It was not easy, it was heartbreaking.

The medicine I was able to give to others, like my little sister, I was not able to give it to myself. And it was a long journey.

But now I feel at peace! I feel guided! I feel I am doing what I came here to do. I feel free to continue to explore what it is I am here to do, what gifts are mine, what is it that my Soul wants to express in this reality?

The question is: Are you ready for your next big TRANSFORMATION? Are you ready to leave your old life and step into a new one? more aligned with your gifts and passion?

Let me know below! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸŒ™πŸ’«

Working on my PhD, in Germany (2002)
Meeting my Soulmate!
Receiving my PhD title! (2005)
The beach at my parents’ house.
Moving to Switzerland (2006)
Getting married! (2008)
The orchid in Normandy letting me know it’s time to have a baby!
Moving to Bergen and meeting the Trolls!
Very pregnant in Bergen (2012)
Learning to be a mom … in Bergen
Trying up some wings in Mexico city (2013)
Mom and son in Hawaii
Ready for the Angel Intuitive workshop and morning sickness!
Got certified!
Michael, Doreen, Robert, Ashley and Radleigh (2014)
Moving to Mexico!
Welcoming number 2! (2015)
Family life!
I have a name for my blog!
My birthday: December, 22nd, 2016

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