Hello Magical Souls, 🌸✨
When I made the jump a few years ago to switch from being a paleoceanographer to do Celestial & Faeric readings, it was not a nice, easy jump and I was forced to ask for help.
Notably to ask for help into reconnecting to my inner power, my own truth, my Soul mission, my life purpose, … my own ✨🌙⭐️ Magic ⭐️🌙✨.
Some magical women, energy workers, lightworkers, appeared on my path and I want to introduce 5 of them today in this blog.
And all of them have freebies you can benefit from … if you feel guided to.
- Christina Sander
Christina can do magic! Also she is a Fairy! 😃
She can go into your past-lives records and – with the guidance of your Angels and spiritual guides – undo, heal or balance your Akashic records so you can express your Soul and your gifts in this lifetime free from blocks from the past.
She created a new modality, Angelic Soul Alchemy™, to help you deal with blocks, limitations, old contracts, old thought patterns, ancestral karma, etc., coming from past-lives … and also to help you reconnecting with your Soul true essence, your home planet, your gifts!
I have published already my own experience with Angelic Soul Alchemy and Christina, here and here.
Her website: http://christinasander.com/
Her freebie: https://christinasander.teachable.com/p/abundance-journey
A 40-days abundance journey where, during 40 days, you will reflect on what “abundance” means to you and what “money” precisely means to you so you can identify your money blocks (for ex. rich people = bad people, I am a good person so I am poor) and re-pattern your brain so you can attract the abundance you need and deserve in your life.
- Anna Frolik
Anna is a fascinating incarnated Elf who lives deep in the forests of British Columbia. 🧝🏻♀️🌲
She led an interesting, spiritual, sometime painful, journey to arrive where she is.
Her passion is helping women start their own business so they don’t have to struggle in a job that don’t fulfill their Soul.
She can help you break free from self-limiting beliefs, lack mentality and more so you can truly express who you are and do what your Soul incarnated here to do all the while having a thriving business.
You can make a difference in the world, doing what you are passionate about, while actually make a living (or more).
I interviewed Anna some time ago, here, and recommend anyone to follow her work closely.
Her podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/conscious-entrepreneurs-podcast/id1354101930?mt=2
Her website: https://www.annafrolik.com/
Her freebie: https://www.annafrolik.com/purpose
Workbook: 25 Questions to Uncover Your Life Purpose
- Lynsey R. Landry
It’s difficult to describe what’s happening when you work with Lynsey. Basically she helps you tune in to what is hurting, or not working, the resistance you feel in your energy system when you want to move forward on your life purpose path. She helps you heal, release, repair or own these parts of you that are in dis-alignment. And when you “wake up”, you are a different person. The sun is shining brighter. You have suddenly more energy. Or you just want to lay down and sleep. It depends on the session. Your work is easier. You see the world around you with new eyes, etc.
I have had energy sessions with Lynsey where I could feel all the cells being rewired, or where my computer shut down unexpectedly because the energy was too high, or when, after the session, money came in to my bank account, every unexpectedly, with no efforts, like by magic!
If you want to experience it for yourself, join her Facebook group Soul Inspired Success where she gives free guidance.
Her website: http://www.lynseylandry.com/
Her freebies: http://www.lynseylandry.com/free-resources.html
Lynsey has 3 free classes: BE YOUR OWN BIZ GURU, MONEY MAGIC and BURNOUT TO BLISS.
- Dora or Pintadora, the shaman paintress
Dora is a fellow Atlantean! She’s also an artist and a shaman.
Somebody recommended me to check Dora’s work … and I was immediately fascinated by her art.
So what is a shaman paintress? Dora is a shaman, a bridge between Heaven and Earth. She channels her art, her paintings, as well as messages from the Divine into her paintings.
For ex. she can paint your Higher Self by tuning into your energy.
I had my higher self portrait done and … while the lady in the painting was very beautiful and her energy felt so big, so loving, so self-assured … I didn’t know what to do with the portrait.

So I asked Dora: how does it work? what should I do?
She told me: you look at the painting for, maybe, a min. and let the messages come to you. Also you can ask her questions.
So I did and I asked the lady in the painting: who are you?
She told me: I am “you” but in Atlantis! 😮🌊💫
She told me about who I truly am … and how on Atlantis, before the Fall, we were incarnating our higher self – to maybe 95%. But that now, today, it’s only maybe 20% for some of us, 50-60% for others. We have still a long way to go to incarnate more completely our Higher Self into flesh like we used to do on Atlantis.
Dora is a channel, she is also a healer and has recently re-discovered a healing modality she used to practice on Atlantis: Soul pattern.
If you want to get a feel for it, I recommend checking her freebie and joining her Facebook group where she guides, supports and offers healing.
Her website: https://pintadora.com/
Her freebies: https://pintadora.com/freebies/
- Christa Bitner
Christa is here to help you reclaim your power over your diet and your relationship with food.
What to eat? When to eat? Christa can explain you how to deal with your cravings, how to stop punishing yourself with food, how to replenish your body and your Soul, and much more.
I remember telling Christa that I wish I had more energy during my day … With 2 small kids in the house, I am always cleaning, cooking, doing laundry or helping with homework, etc.
I remember asking for some vitamin or other supplement that would helped me get more energy during the day.
Christa asked me:
– “do you like to-do lists?”
- “Yes, I love them! I have currently 10 different, various, to-do lists … Sometimes I divide my to-do lists into smaller lists. Sometimes I forget I already have a to-do list for something and create another to-do list. I have to-do lists everywhere!”
– “How do you feel when you see your to-do lists and you haven’t accomplished the majority of your tasks?”
- “I feel bad, demotivated, guilty, without energy to do anything.”
Mind blown! 🤯
So I ditched my to-do lists. I now have a wish list of things that I could do, but do not have to.
I have small to-do list of things I cannot avoid, like homework assignments or doctor’s appointments.
I have a, now, reasonable to-do list for work.
My energy levels are much higher!
Thanks Christa! 😄
I recommend joining her Facebook group to follow the discussion on reclaiming your energy, your inner power through nutrition but not only …
Her website: https://www.christabitner.com/
Her freebie: “Nutritious Snacks to Satisfy Any Craving Type”!
Remember you are never alone.
You came to Earth with a whole team of other Lightworkers.
You have a tribe waiting for you to connect.
You are not alone, seek support and guidance!
Sending you Love & Light,
Gretta 💗💗💗
PS: Please, share this blogpost with anyone who might look for this kind of support. 🙏🏼😊💗
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