10 things to know about your Divine life purpose

We all come to incarnate on Earth with one reason: Express our unique Soul essence into the world …

We came here to explore how to incarnate our Divine Light into a human body, to experience how this Light is molded by the human perspective, is constrained by the illusions of the 3D world, but also to experience how to free our Light and heal from the constraints brought in by karma, trauma, and lies. 

The more we can embody our unique Soul essence in the world, the more we can bring Divine Light and Magic into the world.

Here are 10 things to know about your Divine life purpose:

1. Your life purpose is your JOY!

The passions burning in your heart, fueling up your Soul are your Divine life purpose.

It’s the things that allow your Soul to blossom and fill your heart with happiness.

When people think about their life purpose, or their life mission, they often think that the Divine wants them to be an obedient servant, to sacrifice themselves by doing something they don’t enjoy in exchange for the redemption of their Soul.

The truth is that you will feel the most happy when you put yourself in a situation where your Soul is fully expressed, along with your passions, your talents, your gifts.

It can be a myriad of things, as your Soul unique essence may also be a myriad of things: artist, nurturer, teacher, inventor, explorer, healer, etc.

So to understand what you truly are explore, experiment, go outside your comfort zone (a little bit or a lot), try new things, go on an adventure, learn something new, create something new, say “yes” to what calls to your heart, …

2. The Universe has your back!

If you follow your life purpose path, if you are aligned with your Soul and your heart, you won’t need to worry about money, or time, or opportunities. The Universe will provide for you what you truly need.

I once heard while I was preparing for a new launch: “What you need will magically appear!”

Once in a while, when I fully stepped into what I am and own what I do, I was gifted free classes, free oracle decks, some clients appeared out of nowhere, opportunities to publish my work were coming to me, etc.

If you are researching what your life purpose is, you will also start attracting people that will show you your gifts or your talents, as a sort of mirror to show you who you truly are!

When you are able to live your life as your authentic self, you are Magic, and you become a shinning example of what is possible, of what others can do too.

3. Nobody can oblige you to do anything about your life purpose.

Because of free will, you are free to carve your own path.

You are free to write your own story and step as far away as you want from your Divine life purpose.

But your Soul, your spiritual guides, will always send you nudges that you are supposed to be doing something else. At times, you will feel it stronger than at other times. You will feel like there is something more. Like you have forgotten something important. Like you are not at the right place.

You will feel the most lost and isolated when you are not listening to your heart and try to convince yourself that you cannot follow your Divine life purpose’s path. It takes a bit of faith and trusting yourself to go back to who you truly are and to commit to your path.

4. Your Divine dreams are achievable, even when everybody tells you they’re not.

You may have come here to change the world.

Maybe you came here to imagine the improbable, to dream the unlikely, and to achieve the impossible. 

Don’t be swayed by others’ opinions: if you were born to pave a new way, they may not see it or understand it, just yet. So they will tend to reject it, shame it, or mock it.

People resist change.

But we are here to help the world shift.

In order to not be overwhelmed by the big negativity out there, keep your dreams quiet at the beginning or only confide in people you trust.

Detach from the outside influences, and go back to your center as often as possible.

5. Your inner child knows a lot about about your life purpose.

When we were born, we were still innocent and full of awe and wonder at the world. We were also very in tune with our Divine life purpose.

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an Angel-Princess-Fairy, or an Angel-Fairy-Princess, also an enchantress, sometimes a witch, and sometimes a teacher.

So something to do with magic, transmuting, and brewing potions.

I spent a lot of time day-dreaming, imagining a different world, full of magic, miracles, happy-endings, kindness, and enchantments.

Even when I was told, it was not possible to live in a magical world and that the real world was harsh and you had to fight and defend yourself, I still didn’t believe it fully and kept on dreaming.

When you connect back to your inner child, you connect back to your Soul essence … to what gives your JOY … to what makes you happy …

When you look back at your childhood photos, what do you see? What do you feel?

6. You came here with a team and you belong to a team.

Believe me, there are thousands of Angels, Archangels, elementals, spiritual guides, animal spirits, even crystals and plants, and other lightworkers ready to support you, should the need arise.

You didn’t come here alone. You are part of a team.

You don’t have to carry the weight of the whole world on your shoulders: we are millions to carry it with you, in the visible and invisible realms.

You don’t have to do things alone.

Don’t be discouraged if the task appears too big for you: it is not.

So when things are too much, know that someone will appear to help. Be ready to receive that help, whether it’s from the Universe, friends or family, or a professional doctor / therapist / psychologist.

7. Your life purpose may be changeable.

As you evolve and walk your Soul path, your life purpose may change according to what is changing in you and around you.

You may awaken to new parts of you, and be ready to help in new ways.

You may wish to explore new avenues, take on new adventures.

You may feel called to help, and be nudged to offer a new kind of help according to the current world events.

For ex. you could start with being a teacher at the beginning of your career, then because of stress and fatigue, you could decide to become an artist and explore a new way of expressing your Light, and then later again in your life, decide become a therapist  to better help the people around you …

There is nothing wrong with changing, with evolving, as our Soul came here to express itself in multiple ways.

Be ready to follow your heart wherever it might guide you.

8. Being a parent can totally be a part of it.

I see some women worrying about being (only) housewives or stay-at-home moms, not feeling like they matter, like they are useful to society, or like they are not fulfilling their potential.   

This is not true for 2 reasons:

𝟙. I see children as a little piece of Divine Light coming down to earth with their own unique Divine gifts, and they chose you to be their parent, so they could learn to embody their Light the best way they can. You are doing a great service to the Divine by helping raise a Soul. Don’t underestimate the work you’re doing. Bless yourself accordingly.

𝟚. It takes a lot of time and energy to raise one or more kids. It’s exhausting! And if there are “new children” or special-need kids, it can be even more so. You may not feel like you are doing a lot because you are not productive elsewhere, but you are doing enough! And raising a child is also often a catalyst to your own healing, to your inner child healing. It’s a lot! If you are not “productive” elsewhere, it may be because your Soul wanted to give you a break from other experiences, while you are focusing on parenting and healing yourself and your generational line.

9. At times you will have to take a leap of faith.

It’s one of the problem when you follow your heart: at times you will need to jump before the path can appear in front of you.

Your mind will always try to control your situation, to understand logically where you are going and how you will get there.

The heart is more unpredictable and illogical: start walking and you will see where you end up.

It can make things very uncomfortable … but the more you can trust yourself enough to take a leap of faith, the easier it will become.

One thing I heard is: the more afraid you are about taking a step, the more it is aligned with your life purpose. That’s why you are so afraid: your ego knows what is at stake and try to scare you into giving up.

Be brave and jump into the unknown …

10. You don’t have a life purpose, you are your life purpose.

Each moment of every day, when you choose to embody your true Divine Light, you are living your life purpose.

When you are answering your heart’s calling, whatever it is, start before you feel ready. The secret is that you will never truly feel ready for anything. Start where you are, with what you ahem however imperfect it may seem to you.   

When you are looking for answers, make a choice! Try something. Choose a direction and you will see, feel, know if that is the right direction for you.

There will be signs, synchronicities, teachers, messages in dreams, to guide you, to help you follow the way, like breadcrumbs into an unknown forest.

Have faith and go forward bravely!


There is magic inside of you: trust it, cultivate it, express it.  

If you need help with tuning into your heart, head over to this blogpost.

AA Nathaniel, whose color is red, and whose name means “Gift of God”, is the Archangel to call on if you want to live your Divine life purpose. He can help you tune into your passions and joy, to discover your unique talents and gifts, give you the courage to walk away from any situation that is not aligned with your Soul, and take some leap of faith into your new future. 

Check out this meditation for a potent experience of AA Nathaniel – I have gone through it and it was life-changing: https://www.hayhouse.com/manifesting-with-archangel-nathaniel-audio-download

If you need support around your Divine life purpose, check out my intuitive guidance offers.

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May the Angels and Heaven support your Light on Earth! ✨💛

Love & Light,

Gretta 😘

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