How to banish someone with Love & Light

Copy of Desiderata


Hello Beautiful Souls, 🤓👋🏻

In this post I would like to share with you something that happened to me when I was a fresh post-doctorate after my PhD, starting my career in Zurich and how the Angels showed me a method to banish someone from your life, on an energetic level, so that this person is not messing with you any longer.

This is not a spell.

The person won’t necessarily go away and might still be a part of your life, but the energy exchange between you will be neutral, and you will be free from them.

When I was a PhD student in Germany, my advisor, an old Austrian professor, very reputed in his field, was dictatorial in his way of teaching. Basically it was: “You do this or you’re fired and then you won’t be able to graduate your PhD.” He did this with all his students and he was also known for that. So I put up with this for 5 years, got my PhD, then move to Zurich, Switzerland for a post-doc. And now that he couldn’t fire me anymore, the energy hold he had on me started to lift off. So when I received another email with “You do this or …”, I didn’t take it well and responded with “I won’t do it! Try me!”. And things kinda exploded from there.

He started a war on me, and as he couldn’t fire me, he tried to get me fired from my job, gossiping about me to my new boss, to other professors so nobody would collaborate with me, etc. Because I was so fresh out university, I didn’t have a lot of support and felt rather powerless, scared, and alone. And so I went down a dark spiral where I wish him dead. I truly wished, from the bottom of my heart, that he would die – from natural causes. I was thinking about it every day and it came to a point when I received a very clear messages from the Angels that I had to stop otherwise something really bad would happen to me. The vision I had was getting hit by a tram and spending long months in hospital recovery.

That’s when the Angels explained to me that I didn’t have to wish him dead to be freed from him: there was another way.

The vision they sent me that the old professor and I were jousting like knights in a jousting tournament, opposing each other with lances, trying to unhorse the other, in front of a public. The public being my new boss and our common scientific colleagues.

The Angels showed to me the way to “win” was to leave the jousting field completely: taking all my energy, energetic debris with me and leaving.

The old professor would find himself alone, battling nothing and the public would have nothing to watch anymore and would not understand what the old professor was rambling about.

As the Angels were showing me this, I tacitly agreed and I suddenly felt my energy coming back to me, like tentacles retracting inside my body.

The Angels also asked me to take a step further and to send Love & Light to the old professor. They said that we were both hurting in ways not knowable to the other, that we were both longing for love and trying to find happiness, that there was a reason why he felt he had to act this way, that our two Souls are both loving and compassionate and in Heaven we are not actual enemies.

I felt the truth in that. On some (higher) level, my Soul loved his Soul. On some (higher) level, I didn’t have a problem with him and wished him the best.

So I stated: I wish you the best. I wish you a happy and successful life but far away from me. I don’t want to see you, to speak to you or to exchange with you in any shape or form. I am sending you Love & Light.

In the coming days, and even months, every time a discussion came up about our fight, I would say nothing or just the minimum required. I would not speak to anyone about him. I would try to to think about it. I would not give ANY energy to this situation.

Once in a while I would think about him, I would repeat the same statement: I wish you the best. I wish you a happy and successful life but far away from me. etc …

And … the energy started to change. My new boss couldn’t understand why the old professor would want me fired. Our colleagues would not understand why he was acting this way, they would send me emails they didn’t understand his behavior towards me, etc.


But it was a tough lesson to learn!

So here are the steps when someone is trying to:

  • overpower you
  • or play with your energy
  • or steal energy from you
  • or mix with your energy
  • or encroach on your energy
  • basically someone who wants to “play” with you, or your energy and you have to cut yourself from a power play ….
  • someone gossiping about you
  • someone trying to instigate something
  • someone trying to make you “fall” …

[ This might not work on people who are physically abusive and threatening your safety, where you should maybe speak to the police, and/or a lawyer, etc. ]


1. Reaffirm your boundaries 🛡

When you make the decision to banish someone from your energy field, you have to be clear on where you stand with this person.

Presumably you want her/him out of your life: you can’t be friend with the person after that.

You might have to see her/him again, for ex. they might be a family member, or having to shake their hands, or even work with them, but there won’t be any exchange on an energetic level.

You can also ask Archangel Michael to help you have strong boundaries with this person especially, visualizing a bubble of Light all around you, protecting you from psychic attacks and others coming from this person.

You can also ask Archangel Raphaël to clear out your energy field from whatever they left in your energy, be it daggers, cords, claws, whatever they use to siphon your energy, etc.


2. Don’t give it energy to the situation – at all- on any level

You have to walk out!

Don’t gossip!

Don’t speak about this with other people, unless you have to.

Don’t obsess about it – stop yourself from having the situation re-play over and over in your mind.

Don’t plot revenge. Don’t wish them dead or hurt.

Don’t give the fight anymore energy.


3. Every time you think about the situation or the person, or they are trying to contact you, or you have to see them: send them Love & Light. 🤲🏻✨💛

Say or think something along the lines:

“I wish you a long, happy, healthy, blessed, abundant, successful life but far away from me. Don’t contact me. Don’t come close to me. I am sending you Love & Light but I want you out of my life. ”

As much as possible you have to truly believe it.

It may be hard to do, because you may still want to hurt them, take revenge, or punish them for what they did to you, but it doesn’t work this way.

Remember on a higher spiritual level, your Soul and his/her Soul do not have a problem, they are not fighting, their Soul is not toxic despite whatever they did to you.




Once you stop giving them energy and reclaiming your boundaries, your situation should improve. 🙏🏼  But also remember to contact the authorities should the situation requires it. 👍🏻

Wishing you all the best 🙏🏼✨💛 and may you have strong boundaries with anyone not worth your time.

Gretta 😘

Comment below if you have a similar story of banishing someone from your life …

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