One thing we learn about in my class Listen to the Voice Within is about liminal times, or hypnagogia, when your brain is half-asleep and half-awake.
These are powerful time where the Angels your guides have a chance to “speak” to you just before your brain switches on, or off, and you start to rationalize what you saw or heard as your “imagination” or just a “dream”.
I have received some powerful insights into the realms that are there but not seen at this time.
I thought these stories about the in-between would be perfect for Halloween, so here we come:
1. The ghost in the night.
When I was a teenager in high-school, my best friend and I, because we were living far away from the school, had decided to sleep at the dormitory there. It was also a good occasion to be away from our families during the week as we both had difficult relationships with our parents.
Our room had 4 beds but we were the only two in there and I could see her bed from my bed. We also didn’t have a door to lock: it was just a curtain for privacy.
One night, in the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up. Normally at this time in my life I used to sleep through the night quietly but something had suddenly woken me up: I could feel a presence, as if someone had entered our room. I looked up to see who was there, I could see my friend and next to her, someone, white and transparent: like a ghost. I could see through her. She was leaning over my friends bed towards her head as if she was whispering something to her. My friend was sleeping.
The hair on my body rose, a cold sweat went down my spine, a scream started to form in my throat I was about to let it out when … I was suddenly enveloped by a blanket of love and warmth and light … and I immediately relaxed. I heard a voice in my head saying: “It’s ok, it’s just your friend’s grandma who came to give her advice inside her dreams. She will be finished soon. Go back to sleep.”
“How can I sleep with a ghost in my room?”, I thought.
“Turn around so you don’t see her.”
I did and I fell asleep immediately, which was a kind of miracle because I was so afraid of ghosts.
The next day, I woke up and remembered everything vividly. I wanted to tell my friend but she and I are were so afraid of ghost and wandering spirits that I pretended it was a dream.
“Heu… so last night I had a weird dream about your grandma?”
“My grandma?”, she said white face, “what do you mean?”
“I saw her in my dream leaning over your bed and giving you advice in your dreams.”
“I dreamt about my grandma last night, she did gave me advice about what to do with my life. She passed away when I was little. I barely remember her.”
“I have to tell you … It was not a dream! I actually saw her as a ghost, here, in our bedroom! I could see through her”
She was very white and scared.
“Don’t ever speak about this to me ever again! I am so afraid thinking of this!”
I promised and thought: Shit I really saw a ghost last night. And … I spoke to my Angels as well.
2. A visit from Brigid.
It was at the time in my life when I was reading the book Goddesses & Angels by Doreen Virtue.
I found it very interesting and it was explaining how you can invoke a certain Goddess or an Archangel to come during your sleep to work with you, so I wanted to try that.
I didn’t really know who I should call and for what, but I had a strange affinity with Brigid, the Celtic Goddess.
I remembered a life in Avalon as a priestess with the indigo dress and the moon tattooed on my third eye, and I felt, maybe, I was working with, or honoring Brigid back then. So I said the prayers in the book and fell asleep.
The next morning, when I woke up, she was there!!!
At the foot of my bed, looking down at me. She was very bright, like LIGHT, and there but also not there.
She told me “Don’t be afraid I just wanted to let you know that I came and work with you during your sleep … as you asked me to. You can ask me to come back again if you need. Bye.” and she slowly faded away as I was still wondering what to do or what to say.
I also felt that while she disappeared from my sight, she was not really gone and still around, in case I needed her.
3. A night in Amsterdam.
One night, when I was living in Zurich, Switzerland, I woke up, in the middle of the night: my husband was snoring really loudly and it woke me up.
It was not the first time but I didn’t know what to do. My two options were – to wake him up and he would be upset because he wanted to sleep, – or I would try to fall asleep again.
I decided to try to fall asleep again and turn around in the end trying to not listen to his snores. Suddenly, I felt all the hair on my body rise because I just had remembered that it was a school night, a Thursday night, and my husband was not there.
At the time we were not, yet, living together: I had a job in Zurich and he had a job in Amsterdam, but we would see each other every other weekend or so. And it was not the weekend, yet. So the person snoring in my bed was not my husband. Also I couldn’t hear the snore anymore.
What was I supposed to do?
So, afraid, I extended my arm to touch whether there was in fact somebody in the bed laying next to me. Nothing.
I turned on the light, nothing.
I got up to check below my bed. Nothing.
I went through my flat, checked the other rooms. Nothing.
Checked if the main door was locked, it was.
I decided it must have been a dream and went to sleep.
The next morning, my husband called me at 6am. He knows very well that I am still sleeping at this time so he usually never calls so early, so I thought there must be a problem. I answered. The first thing he said was: “You woke me up last night!!! You were in my room and actually woke me up. I saw you!”
I was in kind of a shock: did I just astral-travelled to Amsterdam to be with my husband? Can I really do that?
“Well … you were snoring really loud!”, I said.
4. A car crash?
One night, during the spring, while I was living in Mexico, when I was just about to close my eye and chase sleep, I received some kind of vision where I was driving a car, it was going fast and I was also trying to hit the brakes, but the brakes were not working and eventually I was about to crash when I “woke” up.
I was wondering what the vision could mean: was it a metaphor for something in my life? like when I go to fast and went to hit the brakes in some kind of situation? Or was it a vision about a real car crash?
In the small town where we were living, the road I took to go to my kids’ school everyday was kind of dangerous. I had seen many car accidents with people driving too fast. So I was afraid the vision could let me know about an upcoming car accident.
I asked my Angels what I was supposed to do and they asked me to pray.
So I said something like thanks God and Angels for protecting me and my family and our cars, for reminding my husband and I to be careful on the road, to drive responsibly, to pay attention to others, etc. Thank you for protecting us. My family doesn’t need a car accident. I reject this idea. Thank you.
And I went to sleep.
The next night, I received the same vision at the same time. I asked the Angels again: what does all this mean? What am I supposed to do?
“Pray again!”, they said, “it’s working.”
And so I did and feel asleep.
The next night, the same vision. “And now?”, I asked the Angels but I prayed anyway. When I was finished they told me: “It is done!” and the vision didn’t come back the days after.
I was wondering what all this meant but couldn’t get any answers.
Two weeks later, my husband sent me a text: “I almost died today!” and there was a picture of a truck behind his car crashed on the median of the road into a palm tree.
My husband told me he was stopped at a red traffic light on this exact road that I think is so dangerous, and he saw this truck coming behind him that didn’t seem to be slowing down. He couldn’t move his car because of the other cars waiting at the red light. He was starting to think “I should get out of the car”. The truck was coming closer and closer, when suddenly the driver made a sharp left and crashed into the palm tree.
His brakes were not responding and he couldn’t stop. So instead of crashing into my husband’s car, he opted for the palm tree instead.
Thanks God everybody was ok!
That’s when I understood the vision I received and the prayers I was asked to make.
And … it was on the day of our wedding anniversary!
If you want to make use of this time between sleep and awake, start by paying attention in the morning immediately after waking up. Take a bit of time to center yourself, to try to remember your dreams, to ask your Angels if they have any messages for you, to set intentions for your day, etc.
And before going to sleep at night, ask your Angels for protection, for healing, or answers to your questions, etc., and while you are drifting off into your dream time you may hear or see something that you are meant to receive at this time.
What freaky experiences have you had? Let us know below!
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